“Are you going to join me, Mrs. Rossi?”
I threw myself off the dock into his surprised arms.
“Fuck, be more careful,” he said as he gathered me close to his chest.
“I don’t need to be careful when you’re here to catch me.”
His expression softened, and I pressed my smile to his lips. “You think you have me wrapped around your little finger, don’t you?”
“I only think it because it’s true.”
His hand landed softly on my ass, and I raised my eyebrows at his disgruntled expression. “I can’t even spank you in the water.”
I snorted. “Rain check. Give me a smack when we get out.”
He skimmed his lips down the side of my face. “I’ll give you whatever I want.” His voice was low, and I held back my whimper.
I turned on my back and floated, loving how weightless the water made me feel. I ran my hand over the bump on my stomach. “Do you think we’re having a boy or a girl?” We had an ultrasound scheduled in a few days to find out the sex.
Matteo’s hand joined mine, caressing my stomach. “A boy.”
I scowled. “Why, because the big bad Don needs a male heir?”
He scoffed and pulled me into his arms, my back pressed tight against his chest as his legs treaded water to keep us afloat. “My naughty girl is feeling very sassy.” He nipped at my ear. “No, because if we have a girl, she’ll be just as pretty as you, and then I’ll have to gouge out all the eyes in New York City… the entire state.”
“You’re ridiculous.” But I couldn’t stop my smile. All our scans had been good so far—and we’d had a lot of them since anytime I was anxious, Matteo demanded the doctor come over and do another one. He’d finally just purchased an ultrasound machine for our apartment to make it easier.
I was slowly allowing myself to be hopeful that this baby would be okay.
Matteo tightened his grip on me and towed me through the water.
“Where are we going?”
“I need better leverage.”
We drew closer to our private beach until Matteo could stand in the water. He arranged me so I was facing him, my arms and legs wrapped around him.
“Ahh, leverage,” I said with a smile.
He hummed and wrapped my damp hair around his fingers, tipping my head back. “My perfect, gorgeous wife. The perfect little slut for me.”
I shivered in his tight hold, and then he slipped inside me. We both moaned as his cock filled me, stretched me. His hand palmed my ass, squeezing hard as he murmured praise against my skin. He kept rocking against my body and I tipped my head back, taking in the candy-colored sky. Something about this moment—the warm water streaked with pink, his possessive hold, the rough way he thrust inside me and the gentle look in his eyes—healed the little raw edges of my heart. The relief of it was physical, a breath of springtime air after a dark winter bringing the promise that Matteo was for me, on my side always, and I was the same for him.
I pulled him in for a salty kiss. “This is everything.”
“You are everything,” he responded.
I pressed my cheek against his and closed my eyes, content to just feel. Feel my husband making love to me in paradise, feel my heart mending itself, feel the hope for a bright future.
It was here.
And it was ours.