Page 127 of His Tesoro

“After all the shit of these past few days, I will never forgive you if you leave us alone,” she snarled. She stripped off her shirt and used it to keep pressure on my wound. “You have to be here for me.” Her voice broke as she added, “And the baby.”

Her words floated to me through the air, landing softly on my mind as I faded from the world.



There was a man sitting beside my bed. My vision swam as I squinted at him.

He looked to be in his late thirties or early forties, with brown hair, a smattering of freckles across his nose, and black glasses framing his bright green eyes, which were now fixed on my face.

Something tugged at the back of my mind. How did I know this man?

I turned my head, taking in the room. I was in what looked like a high-end hospital room with a strange man wearing a suit.

“You’re awake,” he said in a heavy Irish accent.

At the sound of his voice, it all came back to me. I’d been trying to staunch the bleeding of Matteo’s leg when this man had run into the warehouse through the massive hole in the wall with a group of soldiers. They had gotten Matteo out from underneath the slab of concrete and taken both of us to the hospital. I must have passed out on the drive.

“Who are you?” I croaked.

“I’m Ronan, head of the Irish Mob.”

“Oh.” I should be panicking, but I felt strangely numb. “Should I be screaming for help right about now?”

He smirked. “Not sure it would get you anywhere, but you can always try.”

“I’ll save my voice,” I said dryly.

My mind whirled as I slowly emerged from the heavy mental fog. And then the panic hit. I opened my mouth to try and form words—what happened after I passed out? Was Matteo…

He must have read the fear in my eyes. “Matteo is okay. So is Angelo.”

Relief washed over me so intensely I thought I might pass out. I fell back against the pillows. “You’re sure? They’re really okay?” I sniffed.

“Aww shit, lass, I can’t handle tears.” He patted my hand somewhat awkwardly. “Yes, they’re both okay. The Don is out of surgery. He’s still unconscious, but they saved his leg and he’s going to be fine. Your bodyguard, Angelo, is also out of surgery. The Albanians left him on the airfield, and we were able to get him to the hospital. He had to have a blood transfusion, but the doctors are confident he’ll make it. They’re both recovering in rooms on this hallway. This is my private hospital.”

I tried to stop my tears, but they dripped down my cheeks onto my gown. “Thank you so much,” I blubbered. “How are Leona and Finn and Aidan?”

Ronan sat back in his chair with a smile. “Leona said you were a sweet girl. She was on the other side of the wall when the Russians threw the grenade and had to have surgery to remove shrapnel from her side, but she’s already trying to get out of bed.” He rolled his eyes, but there was affection in his voice. “Finn and Aidan are both a bit bruised, but okay. We had to sedate you after pulling you off the Don because you were so distraught. You slept for twelve hours. The doctors dressed the cuts on your hands, arms, and knees. You also had a dislocated shoulder and a couple of ribs.”

“What about—” My voice was so hoarse I could barely get my words out. Ronan took a glass of water from the side table and held it out to me. I gulped down the entire cup gratefully, and he poured me another. “Did the doctor say anything about the baby?”

Ronan froze as he returned the water pitcher to the table. “You’re pregnant?”

My tears kept falling because I didn’t know what the answer to that was anymore, so I just nodded.

“Right. Let me get someone.” Ronan hit the call button by the bed and looked over at me with an air of panic.

A nurse quickly entered the room. “You’re awake,” she said with a broad smile.

“Mrs. Rossi has just informed me that she’s pregnant,” Ronan said. “Get someone to check her over immediately.”

The nurse blinked and then rushed out of the room.

“How much pregnant are you? I mean… how many months?”

I raised an eyebrow. Apparently pregnancy was how you ruffled Mafia men. “Just a few weeks. If I’m still pregnant.”