Page 106 of His Tesoro

Domenico set the laptop down on the desk so it was facing me. “I didn’t want to believe it,” he said. “But it’s Mrs. Rossi.”

It took me a second to process his words, but once I did, rage engulfed my chest.


He was wrong. Fucking wrong.

Domenico shifted as he glanced down to where he knew my gun was hidden under my jacket. He should be nervous that I was going to shoot him after he accused my wife of being a traitor.

“You gave me permission to look into everyone in the Family and monitor communications,” he continued hurriedly. “I installed spy software on your wife’s phone when she got her new one. I did it as a precaution, of course not expecting to find anything, but then I noticed a pattern of strange calls and messages.”

He shifted so he could scroll on the screen, revealing a file with text message screenshots. My eyes blurred as I took them in. Sofiya had been texting an unknown number with an upstate area code, sending them insider information about our movements. Information she easily could have gotten sitting with me at this very desk. While my cock was inside her, she’d been working to betray me.

Romeo’s brow furrowed as he met my gaze, and I knew we were both remembering my parents and the betrayal no one had seen coming.

Domenico scrolled through a seemingly endless series of calls and messages. Most of the recent texts were sent mid-morning—the times she had told me she was too tired to get out of bed. When she was alone in the apartment.

Romeo eyed me carefully, as if waiting for an explosion. But the anger inside me burned dark and cold.

“Why would she do this?” he asked.

“There are messages between Mrs. Rossi and her sister, Mila, that suggest that Mila is in love with…” Domenico trailed off.

“Spit it out,” I growled.

“Arben,” Domenico said.

The name sent a chill through me.

“Rustik would never allow Mila to marry Arben and destroy our alliance,” Romeo said.

“Unless Arben claimed the city.” Domenico’s words hung in the air.

If the Albanians gained control of New York, Rustik would be much better off breaking our alliance and siding with the Albanians.

Sofiya loved her sister. Said she would do anything for her. Did that include betraying her new family, betraying me?

“Are Arben and Rustik working together?” I asked.

“It doesn’t look like it,” Domenico said. “This is all Mila and Sofiya’s plan. Arben promised Sofiya a house anywhere in the world she wants,” he continued as he paged over to a text exchange between Mila and my wife.


I’ve always been a prisoner. I can’t do anything without being watched and I’m so tired of it. Are you sure he can really get me free?


Arben says it’s all set up. A house by the ocean, and I can visit you in secret whenever I want. No one will ever know.


Ok. Let’s do this, then.

I didn’t think anything could have the power to destroy my world as much as hearing the shots that killed my parents, but the pain piercing my chest right now proved me wrong. I’d spent years hardening my heart, but somehow Sofiya had wormed her way in. And now my world was falling apart all over again.

“Wait outside, Domenico,” Romeo gritted out, gesturing at the door. My enforcer hesitated for a moment before giving me a nod and leaving the room. When the door closed behind him, I turned to my second in command.

“It might not be what it looks like, fratello.”