“Are you drunk?” I peered down at her. Her cheeks were flushed, pupils wide.
She shook her head before erupting in giggles as she fell back against the couch cushions. “I just took my new medicine.”
What the fuck? I looked around the room until I found an opened package of edibles. “Pot?”
“Shh,” she said, waving her arms. “I’m going to get in trouble.”
I scrubbed my hand down my face. What was Dr. Amato thinking? “You certainly are trouble.”
“Do you want to watch with me?” She pointed at the TV where The Godfather was playing. “Don’t say no! I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse,” she said in a horrendous impression of Don Corleone.
“You’re going to put a severed horse head in my bed?” I asked dryly.
“No, much better! I have caramel corn!” She held a large bowl of popcorn up to me, causing a handful of pieces to go flying onto the floor.
I quickly took the bowl before she spilled it all and placed it on the coffee table.
I should leave. Go to the gym. Or my room.
But somehow I found myself sitting down beside her.
“Have you seen this movie before?” Sofiya asked.
“Oh, of course. I bet you studied it growing up.”
My scowl deepened. “Did not.”
“Well, I certainly hope you’re a better shot than these guys. They had to shoot that guy like a hundred times before he actually died.”
“My shooting skills are fine.”
“Oh, that reminds me!” She sat up with a gasp. “I asked Angelo if I could go to your shooting range. I want to keep my skills sharp. Wouldn’t want to turn into one of these bozos.” She waved at the TV.
“Bozo?” I raised my eyebrows. “However will they survive such an insult?”
“So can I go? Angelo said you would disapprove, but I don’t see why. You could take me. It could be like a date.”
The image of Sofiya holding a gun sent a weird, uncomfortable jolt through my chest. I should be the one to protect her.
I blinked at the thought that had unwittingly flashed through my mind.
“How much weed did you take?” I muttered. Fuck, she had probably never been high.
“You’re so much hotter than Don Corleone and all his sons. None of them have hair as nice as yours.” She leaned towards me and I sat, frozen, as she ran her fingers through my hair. “Can I tell you a secret?” she whispered.
I was so stunned at her touch I could barely form words. “Yes, tesoro.”
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I first saw you.”
I ran my thumb across her cheek and then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I think it’s time for you to go to bed.”
“But I haven’t even seen if the Mafia guys win.”
My lips twitched. “Don’t worry, the Mafia guys win. Now, let’s get you to bed. I’m sure you’ll sleep well.”
I got up from the couch, ready to move Sofiya’s rollator closer to her, when she lifted her arms up to me. I raised an eyebrow.