Page 49 of His Tesoro

“Thanks. Is Nikolai treating you well?”

“He’s being a perfect gentleman.”

I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing at how perturbed she sounded. Nikolai had been our guard for four years, and Mila had been crushing on him from day one. She denied it, but I thought the reason she snuck out to hook up with other guys was to make Nikolai jealous.

“Don’t even start,” Mila said. “What did the doctor say?”

“Mostly just stuff I know—use my mobility aids, wrap my joints, and rest. She refilled my prescriptions and… she also gave me weed gummies. She said it could help with my pain.”

“No way,” she gasped. “Have you tried it yet?”

“I’m nervous. What if something goes wrong?”

“What’s going to go wrong? Do it! You deserve to live a little. You can cross it off the Dream List.”

“Using drugs wasn’t on my Dream List.”

“Well it should be. It’s on mine.”

“Okay then, when you come visit, you can have one of my gummies.”

“Do you think I will be able to visit?”

I swallowed hard. “I hope so. I really miss you.”

“I miss you, too. Fuck, I have to go,” her words were hurried. “Take the gummy, enjoy your high, and I’ll talk to you soon. Love you.”

“I love?—”

The phone cut off. I stared at it, sadness rocking through me so intensely I felt sick to my stomach. I picked up one of the purple gummies and popped it in my mouth before I could second-guess myself. Maybe it would alleviate some of the physical and emotional pain I was feeling.

I changed into one of the high-end sweatpant sets Sienna had insisted on—definitely the coziest thing I’d ever worn—and flopped down on the couch. I flicked through the limited channel selection. Apparently Mafia Dons didn’t have streaming subscriptions. Probably too busy being scary and murderous.

I flipped past the sports and news channels but stopped when I stumbled upon The Godfather. I laughed out loud. The movie was just starting. I’d never seen it, but what better way to get acclimated to my new life in the Italian Mafia?

About twenty minutes in, I started getting hungry. I grabbed my rollator and headed to the kitchen. Suddenly, every available food item sounded amazing. I peered through the pantry and my eyes landed on a bag of gourmet popcorn kernels, and inspiration struck. I grabbed the ingredients and started preparing caramel corn on the stovetop, snacking on a piece of cheese as I waited for it to be ready.

I giggled as I poured the popcorn into an extra-large bowl, balancing it on my rollator as I returned to the living room just in time to see a severed horse head on screen.

“Eww,” I said, shoving caramel corn in my mouth. The room was spinning slightly, and I fell against the cushions. My body felt relaxed and heavy, and I ran my hand along a soft throw blanket on the back of the couch.

I didn’t know how much time had passed when Matteo walked in the front door.



Ihadn’t planned to return to the apartment until Sofiya was asleep, but as each minute ticked by, I grew more and more restless.

I wasn’t restless because of her. It had been a long day, that was all, and I wasn’t going to let my wife keep me from my own fucking home. But nothing could have prepared me for the sight that greeted me when I entered.

Sofiya lying down on the couch watching a movie in pale blue sweatpants, her hair tied up in a messy knot.


I frowned as I walked closer. “What is wrong with you?”

Sofiya stuck her lip out in a pout. “That was mean.”