“It’s enough to start my new non-profit.”
My husband got up with a huff and rounded the table.
“Hey, what are you doing?” I cried out. He ignored me and lifted me off my chair, sat down himself, and arranged me on his lap. “This is cheating,” I protested, trying to shield my cards from him.
“I fold, tesoro. I can’t lose all of my money to you.”
I rolled my eyes, but snuggled into his chest as the rest of us continued the game.
“What non-profit are you starting?” he asked, lips skimming the shell of my ear.
“I want to convert some apartments into housing for women who have been sex trafficked. So people like Katya and Stasya can have a home.” I’d worked with Dr. Amato to set up housing and jobs for the two girls, as well as a monthly allowance so they never had to worry about money, but I wanted to expand to help more women. I’d been working with Matteo to dismantle the remaining sex rings Arben and my father had run. It made me sick to think that someone I was related to had caused such suffering.
“That’s a wonderful idea,” Matteo said. Then a scowl overtook his face. “As long as you don’t push yourself too hard. You need to rest, and the baby is almost here.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll have plenty of help.”
“In that case, I’ll donate an apartment building to the charity.”
I raised my eyebrows. “What apartment building?”
Matteo shrugged. “There are plenty in the city. Take your pick.”
I rolled my eyes, but my chest filled with warmth. His easy acceptance and support of my plan meant everything. I pressed my lips to his ear. “You are so getting a blow job tonight.”
He grunted and tightened his hold on my hips.
When it was time for the remaining players to show our cards, I laid mine down with a smile. “Royal flush.”
Angelo swore and pushed back from the table. “You’re counting cards, aren’t you? That has to be it.”
Sienna snorted as she looked between the disgruntled men. “Pretty sure that’s blackjack, not poker.”
Matteo’s chest shook with laughter. “Didn’t know you were such a sore loser, Angelo.” He kissed my cheek. “Now you have another ten grand to add to your charity.”
“Yes, thank you all for your donations,” I said.
Romeo’s usually bright countenance was cranky. “I’m getting my fucking cannoli,” he said, heading into the kitchen.
Sienna looked at the two men with delight. “Seeing them like that is worth losing.” She got up from the table. “Let’s bring all the dessert in here.”
“I should help them,” I said, trying to get out of Matteo’s lap.
“You should not,” was the only thing he said in response.
I let out a little noise as Baby kicked especially hard. She was destined to be a dancer or runner with how strong her legs were.
Matteo pressed his hand to my stomach, his face softening as he felt her move.
“Next Christmas we’ll have an almost-one-year-old,” I murmured.
“I can’t wait.”
I teared up at the sincerity in his voice. All those years of being so alone and unloved had brought me here—to my new family.
Everyone returned to the room and arranged the desserts on the table. Matteo made my plate first, putting one of every dessert on it. Our gifts to each other were strewn across the room, including ones from Mila, Nikolai, Leona, and Ronan. Noodle nudged my hand, begging for pets.
I couldn’t have dreamed up a better Christmas. But that was my life now—living days that were even better than my dreams.
The end.