“I thought the Mafia was engaged in the diamond trade,” Yulia said. “I guess this wonderful husband of yours didn’t think you worthy of one.”
I said nothing but shook my wrist, making sure the light caught the diamonds in my bracelet. Yulia rolled her eyes and I smirked.
I looked over my shoulder at Matteo across the room. The men were drinking as smoke from their cigars swirled around them. I knew I’d been the one pushing him to go over there without me, but now I desperately wanted him next to me. Actually, I wanted to be curled up on his lap on the couch in our home, away from all these horrible people.
His gaze snapped to mine, his stare as intense as ever. I broke all rules of etiquette and blew him a kiss. There was the slightest tilt to his lips before he returned to his conversation.
I’d tortured a lot of men over the years. Killed a lot, too. I had long since learned to go deep inside myself to that cold, dark place that was devoid of humanity. But nothing about me was unfeeling as I sat across the table from Rustik Ivanov. Sofiya still refused to give me any details about what her father had done to her, and that told me everything I needed to know.
I lifted my glass as Rustik made a toast.
His days were numbered.
“I’ve heard whispers of some troubles in your city,” Rustik said, downing another shot of vodka.
I inclined my head. “The Albanians are growing bold.” I didn’t want to give too much away, refused to show any sort of weakness in front of these men, but I needed to see how much they already knew.
The Russians glanced at each other. “So we’ve heard,” Rustik said. “Arben is even more reckless than his father.”
“Are they interfering with drug routes?” Bogdan asked, his heavily accented voice slurred. His eyes were glassy, and I wondered if he was just drunk or if drugs were also involved.
“No,” Romeo answered. “Our trade routes are in hand. Our concern is the trade the Albanians are trying to bring into the city.”
Rustik lifted his eyebrows. “The skin trade?”
I inclined my head. Everyone knew of my father’s and my distaste for it. So far, Rustik hadn’t dealt in it, one of the only reasons I’d agreed to this alliance. I wasn’t sure why Rustik had avoided it—it certainly wasn’t due to any human decency.
“Arben needs to be taught a lesson,” I said.
“Another round!” Rustik shouted. The waiter rushed over and filled our shot glasses. Rustik held his up. “To teaching lessons.”
I tipped my head towards him and took the shot. The vodka burned going down.
I fucking hated vodka.
“Tomorrow morning, we’ll examine the port warehouses,” Rustik said. “And then we can turn our eyes to the Albanian problem. Now, enough of business.” He smacked his hands against his thighs, suddenly jovial. “Are you satisfied with your wife?”
My jaw clenched hard enough to break a tooth. If this bastard said anything against Sofiya…
Bogdan snorted as he threw back another shot. “I told you it wouldn’t be a problem, Pakhan. She is a pretty one, even if she is a cripple.”
A red haze fell over my vision, my furious heartbeat sounding in my ears. I didn’t even have to look at Rustik to know he would do nothing, say nothing, to defend his daughter.
Bogdan leaned in, lowering his voice, although it was still loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. “I guess a cunt is a cunt. Doesn’t matter if she can’t use her legs.”
My gun was in my hand before I even thought to move, my body acting on pure instinct. I took aim at his kneecap and pulled the trigger.
His scream pierced the air and blood spurted from his wound. I locked eyes with Sofiya across the room. Her eyebrows were raised, lips slightly parted.
Rustik swore as the man fell to the ground. His guards all pulled their guns on me, and my men did the same to them.
I sat back in my chair as if I had no care in the world. “I apologize.” I turned to Rustik, ignoring the screaming Bogdan. “I should have allowed you the privilege of taking the shot, as it was your daughter he was insulting.”
Rustik clenched his fist, eyes filled with fury, and we both knew my apology was all for show. I was deferring to him while also pointing out his failure in standing up for his own blood. My fingers twitched with the urge to shoot him as well, and with the way his eyes flitted to my weapon, I wondered if he sensed it. But I just smirked and placed the gun back in my chest holster.