Page 6 of Forbidden Mistress

The woman on the other end is very nice, but after looking it up, then talking to her manager, she tells me the sender was anonymous. I hang up, more confused than ever. I study the card again. Why would the sender want to apologize, and yet be anonymous?

My mind is cast back to that hot guy at Isca last night, Lucien. It was clear he wanted more, but Liam had scared him off. His departure was rather abrupt—almost rude. Maybe this is his way of reaching out? Maybe he’s afraid if he gives his name, my stepbrother will get wind of it? Admittedly, Liam can be fucking scary, especially in business. There are rumors about his ruthlessness. My situation is only one of many stories.

But how would Lucien have gotten my address? I guess that’s no mystery either. That restaurant was filled with my family and childhood friends—any number of people could have given him my address. Shady? Yes. But industrious, to be sure.

Excitement bubbles up in my chest. The flowers are gorgeous and must have cost a ton of money. I scour the card for clues.

Forgive me.

I smile to myself. What a sweet gesture. He’s gone to a lot of trouble to tell me he regrets his hasty departure last night. But how am I supposed to contact him?

I’m not gonna lie. The mystery is kinda thrilling. I could definitely use a little excitement in my life. Work and school. That’s all I’ve got right now.

In the middle of my investigation and musings, the phone chimes. A text comes in from Liam.

Come to dinner tonight.

I bristle. Not a question, a command. I scoff at his boldness. I’m not one of his fucking employees or hangers-on. He can’t just order me to do something, and I know that pisses him off. I furiously type out my response.

Last night you ambushed me. There’s no way I’d ever choose to be in a room with you again unless it’s a courtroom and my lawyer is ripping you to shreds. Have a nice life.

As soon as I hit send, a little shiver of fear rolls down my spine. I’ve known Liam since he was thirteen, and I’m one thousand percent certain that text will make him angry. And Liam isn’t someone who lets shit lie. He never was. If he doesn’t have control, he’ll do everything in his power to get it. It’s just a matter of when and how.

Don’t poke the bear. Isn’t that the saying? In this case, that’s pretty solid advice. And yet...I can’t help myself. Not seeing him is the only control I have right now, so I’ll use it. And if that makes him retaliatory, then well, what more do I have to lose?

Today is one of the rare occasions that I don’t have work or school, so I decide to go to the grocery store with the fifty dollars Lori lent me. I take a quick shower, throw on a baby tee and some yoga pants, and head downstairs to ask my housemates if they need me to grab anything at the store for them.

Haley is at the kitchen table, books open, highlighter in hand. “Oh, hey, Cassie.”

“Hey, I’m headed to the store. Need anything?”

She ignores my question. “Were you at the party last night? I didn’t see you.”

“Yeah, I got there early and left early,” I hedge. I don’t really want to tell her why I left so abruptly. “It was a beautiful party, and Lexi looked deliriously happy.”

“She wears love well,” Avery smiles. “It really agrees with her. So…I saw your brother there, looking hot as fuck. I would have talked to him, but he was surrounded by women. How’s he doing?”

“I wouldn’t really know. We don’t talk much.” I shrug. Hopefully, that puts an end to it. But of course, knowing Haley, it doesn’t.

“Wow, what a shame. He’s sooooo fucking hot,” she says again, emphasizing her words with a purse of her lips.

My lip curls. Awkward. The quicker I can change the subject, the better. “Lexi did look so beautiful, though. She and Ash are serious couple goals.”

“Oh! Keith and his frat brothers are having a dayger next Saturday at the house. I told them we’d all be there,” she says excitedly.

“I’ll have to check my schedule at work. If I’m free, I’ll be there,” I reply.

“Cool,” she says. “Nothing for me at the store, but thanks for asking.”

With a nod, I save some gas by walking to the corner grocery store. I grab some chicken-flavored ramen, replacement soup, some milk and a few other things, then head back home.

Three days later, when I get home from work, Avery hands me a note on her own way out the door.

“No one was home earlier when they tried to deliver, so the delivery guy left this note on the front door,” she says.

I frown. “Oh, thanks.” I glance down at the note as Avery leaves. It’s from a high-end department store. They wanted me to call to receive my delivery.

I pull out my phone and call the number on the card. The answering service informs me that they’ll send someone over right away with my order. I didn’t order anything, but I don’t tell them that, obviously. Maybe it’s something else from Lucien? My insides tingle with excitement from the thought. What could it be?