Page 4 of Forbidden Mistress

You’ve been drinking. My driver will take you home.

What a fucking control freak. I’ve had a half glass of champagne. I type out yet another response.

I’m a big girl. Leave me alone.

As soon as the text is sent, I turn my phone off and shove it into my purse. Honestly, if I continue the conversation, I might turn on my heel, and head right back into the party just to punch him in the face—or knee him in the nuts.

But I don’t want to make a scene at Lexi’s party, so I do the next best thing...I retreat.

Slipping my coat on, I walk outside to the valet station, handing the young attendant my ticket. He sprints off to fetch my sixteen-year-old blue, beat-up Honda. I tap my foot on the paving stones, impatiently waiting for my car to appear. It’s been three minutes, and I’m practically twitching inside because I know, without a doubt, that Liam will eventually come looking for me.

He’s always thrived on control. It’s what makes him a brilliant businessman. But it’s also what makes him super fucking annoying. And the fact that I’ve turned my phone off, that I’m not responding, is legit eating him alive right now. It’s only a matter of seconds before he comes stalking out here, demanding I stay.

Thankfully, I’m one of the first to leave the party, so the attendant is quick. My car pulls around the corner, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Just as the attendant gets out of the car, the front door of Isca swings open, revealing a very angry Liam.

I pause, momentarily dazed. He really is beautiful, unfortunately. He’s taken off his mask and it’s clutched in his hand, so I get a full view of his face. I get why women throw themselves at him. Handsome. Wealthy. Confident. But he’s a fucking monster beneath all that, and I just can’t pretend he isn’t.

“Cass!” he yells, stalking toward me.

I grab the keys from the attendant, palming him a measly two-dollar tip. “Thanks,” I say, quickly sliding into the driver’s seat.

When Liam is within ten steps of me, I slam the car door, turn on the engine and peel out of there, leaving that sexy monster in my rear-view mirror. As I speed away, I shove my hand out the window and flip him off.

Fuck you, asshole.

If I never see Liam again, it’ll be too soon.

Chapter 2


An hour later, I’m pushing through the front door of Hill House, the student residence I share with a dozen other young female students at the California Institute of Technology. Though I was only at the masquerade for a little over an hour, I could sleep for days.

Thankfully, all the other girls are still at the engagement party, so I have the entire house to myself, which is rare. Heading up to the room I share with Avery and Haley, I slink out of my little white dress and toss it aside. Then I grab a hair tie and knot my shoulder-length hair into a bun on top of my head. Lastly, I throw on a set of soft PJs.

Ah, that’s so much better.

Heading to the kitchen, I whip open the fridge. It’s empty. One jar of pickles, a bottle of mustard, and a half-gallon of milk that probably expired two weeks ago. Damnit. I should have loaded up on free appetizers as the party when I had the chance. My stomach growls at the thought. Closing the fridge, I push out a breath and pick up the mail I’d grabbed earlier. Most of it is junk mail, but there’s also another late notice for my tuition.


My mind races through possibilities. I could ask Lori for money again. She’s floated me before, but I’ve always paid her back. And right now, my bank account is negative six dollars. I can’t even afford ramen noodles at this point. Eventually, I’ll run out of gas, and then I’ll really be fucked. No gas equals no work. Even bus fare costs money.

Pulling my phone out of my purse, I turn it back on, and the screen is instantly flooded with texts from Liam…

Answer me, Cass.

Where are you?

Don’t leave because you’re angry with me.

This is fucking bullshit.

The corners of my mouth curl upward. I have to admit, watching him slowly unravel is more than a little satisfying. Maybe that makes me a bitch, but he fucked me over, took money that was rightfully mine, and as a result, my life has been hell. So, yeah, I’m happy he’s pissed.

Dialing my stepmom’s number, I listen as the phone rings and rings. She’s still at the party, so of course she doesn’t pick up. At the tone, I leave her a brief message.

“Hey, Lori, it’s Cassie. I was wondering if I could borrow fifty dollars until I get paid on Friday. Please give me a call back. Oh, and don’t tell Liam I asked you. I’m sure he’ll feel some kind of way about it.”