“You just made it up,” Edison scoffed, his hands flexing where they’d come to rest on my back.

“Actually,” Brannigan put in, his tone the intelligent and enthusiastic one I loved so much. “Cream pies do exist, and not just in the sense you’re thinking of. I remember having a chocolate cream pie many years ago when I lived in America. I believe now it’s known as a Boston cream pie.”

“Is that when we take Rebel to Boston and all come inside her?” Dean asked with a wicked smirk that made me want to climb him like a tree.

“It’s a cake with a cream filling,” Brannigan said, unamused with their bullshit.

“I could be a cake with a cream filling,” I told Brannigan with a wink.

His eyes creased when he laughed. Immune to everyone else’s bullshit as he might be, Brannigan had a particular weakness for mine.

“I already filled you with cream,” he pointed out, straightening his bow-tie and betraying that he was still a little self conscious with dirty talk. And fucking adorable.

Hugh groaned. “Enough cream talking. You make me hungry.”

Judging by the darkness in his eyes, he wasn’t talking about food-hungry. I swallowed, a little shiver moving across my skin.

“We’ve got time for round two, right?” I asked hopefully.

“Always, babygi—” Dean began, but his head snapped around to the screen. I spotted the same streak of movement he had.

It was only a small blur, but it was enough to see a figure creeping through the woods with white feathers tumbling down their back, wings dragging along the ground.

“That’s the Cupid,” Dean growled, straightening to his full height. “Let’s go.”

I sighed heavily, heat pounding inside me. I was going to complain about this the whole way.

“You get to kill the Cupid, gingerbread,” Slasher reminded me.

I grinned. He was right. We had a killer to hunt, and this was going to be fun.


“Onward, noble steed,” I cried, my fingers buried in Hugh’s ink-black fur as we raced through the Whimpering Woods. Slasher and Brannigan blurred far in front of us, and Dean raced beside Hugh, dressed in fur and claws. I could have taken my own form—bigger, faster, and better than everyone else’s—but I never missed an opportunity to ride Hugh.1

His body shook with a low rumble of playful annoyance, but it wasn’t enough to deter me from pointing ahead of us like a knight charging into battle on a white charger. Air tore past us, trees rushing by so fast they became one big green smudge in the corner of my eye, but I kept my stare fixed ahead as Slasher and Brannigan veered off the path, following the same scent that filled my lungs—bright, verdant plant-life, rich, loamy earth, and a trickle of sharp blood with something sweet, like vanilla custard.

Hugh dug his claws into the ground, sending us swerving off the path after my vampire mates, and I cackled like a madwoman as my stomach went swoop.

“Stop enjoying this!” Edison yelled, his voice high and strained.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my darling witch mate was riding Dean, clinging to his fur for dear life as my Sexy Sir took the curve off the path like a fancy formula racer.2

“Wheee!” I shouted, only my last brain cell stopping me from throwing both my arms up as my ride raced through the woods. A face full of twigs and dirt would put a swift end to my fun, not to mention losing my front teeth. I kept my hands where they were.

Good thing I didn’t let go; Hugh jolted into a sudden halt that would have thrown me off his back. My ass lifted as it was, my thighs slipping where they gripped him, but gravity dragged me back down, and I grunted at the force of the landing.

“Slower,” Edison screeched at Dean. “If I fly off your fucking back, you’ll regret it, mongrel.”

“Hey!” I complained, twisting to look at him. “I’m a wolf, so you’re insulting me, too.”

“You’re a beautiful pedigree, Blossom,” Edison replied breathlessly, his pale hair slicked to his face and sweat shining on his inked neck. Poor Edison. “He’s the damn mongrel.”

Hugh rumbled a soft noise.

“Yeah,” I agreed. “What’s Hugh?”

“One of those weird dogs with the snaggletooth that everyone falls in love with.”