I could have kissed Brannigan forever, but I was sadly mortal and I needed air. When I broke away with a gasp, his lips moved down my jaw to my throat, scraping fangs and kisses down my neck.

“Bite me,” I breathed, my head already a little woozy. “Drink from me.”

Brannigan, Dean, and Slasher groaned at once, making me squirmy with arousal, and I couldn’t help but roll my hips against the hardness in Brannigan’s trousers when sharp teeth sank into my throat and he drank my blood with a moan that made my toes curl.

“And that’s that,” Edison chuckled, his voice raspier and deeper. “There’s no way we can’t fuck her now.”

I let out an embarrassingly breathless noise, writhing against Brannigan’s cock and cursing the fabric between us. Why did I wear jeans, dammit? If I’d worn a dress, I could have just unzipped him, flipped up my skirt and—

Brannigan swirled his tongue over my throat as he took another long pull of my blood and I forgot how to think for a moment, shuddering against him.

“Our crème brûlée is so needy,” Slasher murmured, making Edison snort. I just whined in agreement, trying to remember how to string a full sentence together.

“You took too much,” Hugh rumbled, suddenly looming over us, my head tipped back so he could scan my face.

“Mgood,” I promised, blinking at his handsome face, all scowling and scarred and sweet. “You’re mine. I get to keep you.”

“For life, my scorpion,” he promised, and pressed a long kiss to my forehead that made my stomach as squirmy as my body.

I sighed, melting the longer he held eye contact. Unlike Brannigan’s hair, Hugh’s was unbound, falling over his shoulders and enticing my fingers. I glanced my fingertips down the dark silk of his strands, and curled one around my finger.

“Can I have a cock, pretty please?”

The heat and tension in the room spiked, stroking my body like physical touches. Even Dean’s soft voice caressed me from head to toe.

“You can have as many as you like, babygirl.”

“I have a billion condoms in my pocket,” Slasher added, his words fast with excitement but his voice scratchy and so fucking hot. I loved it when he got all needy, when his vampire side was stronger.

“You’re dead,” Edison pointed out. “Why do you need condoms?”

“I don’t, but my butterscotch cookie needs them when she’s with you living people. I’ve got a lollipop, a packet of bubblegum, and thirty condoms for emergencies.”

“So not a billion then.”

“Thirty?” Dean chuckled, his chair creaking as he stood. “That’s one hell of an emergency.”

“Shut up and fuck me,” I muttered, throwing them all a scowl as frustration mounted. I was surprised to find the room clearing, my swirly head starting to fade as I recovered from Brannigan feeding. I reached between us and palmed his cock through his trousers, thrilled by the deep hiss he let out and the possessive hands that found my hips.

“Your blood tastes so good,” he said huskily, his tongue flicking over his bottom lip.

“Want some more?” I offered, my eyelids heavy as I met his blood-dark eyes.

“No,” Dean and Hugh argued at the same time. I would have shot them matching scowls but I had more important things to do, like unfastening Brannigan’s pants and reaching inside for his cock.

He was hard and swollen, ready for me. When he throbbed in my hand, my pussy gave an answering clench, dripping arousal.

“Your scent drives me crazy,” Hugh groaned, standing behind my chair. I blinked up at him and shivered at the dark, hungry look in his eye.

“Rebel,” Brannigan complained when I slid off his lap to shimmy out of my jeans and underwear.

I shuddered at the broad hand that squeezed my ass when my jeans hit the floor, glancing up at Dean. A surprised sound escaped when his mouth crashed into mine, his tongue forcing its way inside, each stroke and suck and scrape of fangs considerably dropping my IQ.

Bye bye intelligence, it was nice knowing you.

A calloused hand lifted my shirt and rasped over my nipple. Before I could recover from Dean’s deep, urgent kiss, there were hands framing my face, turning me to Edison for a slow, thorough kiss that made my hips buck, my pussy so desperate it was trying to fuck thin air. I was so turned on that arousal dripped down my inner thigh and that was before Edison tore his mouth away with a ragged gasp, his eyes exceptionally dark, and both he and Dean turned me towards Slasher.

“Such a beautiful affogato,” he praised, throaty and wildly insane. It was a reflection of my own insanity that my heart melted and my eyes stung at the compliment.