I was all for being independent and strong. But I thought that meant doing the things I liked.
I was lucky, I knew that. I didn’t have to worry about money.
Even without learning the family business, I had a trust fund. And when Gary proposed, I thought I would finally get everything I wanted.
Husband. Home. Baby.
I didn’t know he was using me. And I didn’t know my husband would turn vicious when he didn’t get what he wanted.
My father never believed a girl could run his company. Yes, I was his sole heir, but Dad set up procedures to sell the company when he died, leaving me a fortune, of course. But that was all.
But Gary was contesting everything. My money, my inheritance, and everything having to do with the business were all tied up in court. It would be months before I saw a dime.
That left me with few options.
Goddamn him.
I couldn't believe I’d lost both my father and the rose-tinted glasses I’d viewed the world with just under two years ago.
My father had been sixty when I was born. He was much older than any of my school friends’ parents.
Maybe I should have expected it, but his passing from a sudden stroke still hurt.
My father wasn’t a cruel man. He just had different ideas about what it meant to be his daughter.
I remembered the rainy afternoon I’d gotten a call from his private physician, explaining my father had passed away. I went to find Gary and told my husband what had happened, lost between grief and disbelief.
That was the first time Gary hit me. And that was the first time I tried to leave him.
I’d been so stunned. I had no idea what happened or why. Then when Gary cried and apologized, I said okay.
I was not blinded by love. In fact, I didn’t ever really love Gary. He was older, smarter, and I’d married him, so I thought I had to stay.
He’d convinced me that I needed him, and stupidly, I believed him. Gary flattered me when I needed attention, and I mistook it for love.
I figured if he loved me enough, maybe I would learn to love him too.
I mean, it wasn’t like I had a slew of suitors. Shy, chubby women, even rich ones, didn’t exactly have to fight them off with a bat.
After it became clear I was not inheriting the company, Gary’s violent outbursts increased in frequency and potency.
Like most abusive assholes, he was not sorry.
The last time he hit me, he said he was going to teach me a lesson by hurting Sammy.
That was when I knew I hated him, and I needed to leave him.
I wouldn’t let him hurt my son. And when he moved towards my baby’s door, belt in hand, I did the only thing I could.
I covered my son’s door with my body and refused to budge. He broke my arm, trying to pull me away. When I proved immovable, he used his belt.
That was my first black eye. And just where my hairline met my left cheek, I now carried a scar from where his buckle scored my skin.
Yeah, I could admit that I was dumb for sticking around as long as I did.
But for Sammy’s sake, I got wise.
Over the last six months, with Meredith’s help and the other women, along with some therapy, I found myself again. My true self. And I was healing.