Page 86 of Finding Emotion

“Ooh, baby kisses!” Erin cried, moving in to tickle the baby’s feet as she cooed at it. “You’re going to turn into a teenager one of these days! Yes, you are!” She rolled her eyes as she looked to Katie. “You won’t believe what one of them was worried about today, Kay. Some crazy shit to look forward to.”

“We don’t have to worry about that yet,” Blake said.

“Just wait until this one has boys crawling all over her.” Erin laughed in his face as it began to pale. “Still thinking you’re ready for number two?”

Blake’s eyes locked onto Katie’s. “Yes.”

She flushed, not looking away.

“Babies, huh?” Skylar stared at the gurgling baby before turning to Damon. “That a thing for you?”

Damon felt his friends’ eyes on him. “Well, yeah, eventually, sure.”

“He can already sing them to sleep,” Trenton said.

“His music works every time for our daughter,” Blake agreed.

Damon’s hand found Skylar’s, where her fingers continued to tap on her thigh. “Don’t worry. I’m not anywhere near that talk.”

“That’s good.” She pulled away as she smirked. “‘Cause I’ve got a lot of growing up to do before I ever consider becoming a mom.”

Damon leaned toward her, hearing that she would consider it, which was another check mark on an overwhelming page of them. “I love you just how you are.”

Skylar rolled her eyes. “There you go again. Fuck, you like to mess with me.”

Damon’s heart squeezed. “I’d never mess with you.”

“No, I—” She swallowed, leaning her forehead to press against his. “I know, okay?”

“Wait, didn’t you break up?” Erin asked. Damon looked away from the woman he loved to find his sister way too close. She frowned at them. “That was another stunt? The video is all over the place.”

“Yeah, but we decided it works for now, even without the stalker. The media was way too invested in us.” Damon had skimmed some of the fan reactions, surprised to find that they were devastated by the end of the relationship, just as he would be if it were true. They shipped him and Skylar harder than he had imagined. Skylar didn’t need that pressure, not when she was still struggling to understand his love for her.

“Oh, that makes sense.” Erin wrapped her arm around his neck in a hug. “This one is kind of short and skinny, Skylar, but he’s an awesome catch.”

“He’s perfect,” Skylar murmured. Red moved up her neck as the noise around the bar fell.

“Oh, shit, Kay! Did you hear that? They’re totally still good, like I said.” Erin laughed as she bounced closer to her best friend.

Damon leaned closer to Skylar again. “You’re perfect too.”

“Oh, stop,” she said. Her breathing had a hitch in it as her eyes closed.

His hand brushed her hair behind her ear, gently massaging the tender skin he found there. “It’s okay to be scared, Skylar. Emotions are scary.”

“That’s not—” She sighed, leaning forward to rest her head on his shoulder as his movements against her scalp took the rest of her tension. “I feel safe with you. That means more to me, more than even all the love shit.”

Damon thought it was the best compliment ever. “I can’t wait to spend more time with you. This tour is going to be incredible because of it.”

“Oh, so you two are going off together?” Jami asked.

Skylar raised her head, nodding. “It’s probably weird, but I wanted to.”

“That’s not weird, chick,” Erin said. “Not when you know what you like.”

“Yeah,” Skylar said. Her eyes moved back to Damon.

Trenton raised his glass. “To safe travels.”