Skylar glanced at Damon as she reached for a second fry. “Not eating, sweet face?” She pulled the basket a little closer. “‘Cause I’m not sharing.”
Damon leaned toward her. Tonight her eyes appeared more green, with bits of blue and brown. “Not even one? Even if I ask nicely?”
Her eyes narrowed, but the softer smile was back. “Fine. Half.” She held the bitten off sweet potato fry out to him.
Damon’s lips brushed her fingers as he took it. “Mmm,” he said, swallowing. “It’s better with the butter, I bet.”
“Don’t tempt me,” she said with a groan.
The sound affected him, and he forced himself not to picture tempting her in a different way. He cleared his throat. “So, if I ordered a burger with all the fixings, would that be a problem?”
She shook her head. “You do you.” She reached over, tapping his hand on his glass. “With this too. It pisses me off when people act like they can’t drink around me.” Her fingers stroked over his before she pulled back. “Besides, I might be considering taking advantage of you later.” She went for her fries again, but her eyes had lost their shine. “I bet you’re even more adorable drunk.”
Damon lifted his drink to his lips, the tequila burning as he finished it. He studied her, picking up on her sudden nerves. He had his own suspicions about where they came from. His gut twisted at not knowing how bad it had been, but he’d been honest with her the night before. Only Skylar should choose what she shared and when.
He grabbed Malcolm’s attention to order the burger and switched to soda as well. He expected Skylar’s scowl.
“Didn’t I say—”
Damon leaned closer to her. “I need my wits around you,” he murmured. It was true enough. Skylar was impossible to pin down.
And there wasn’t an awkward silence with her at his side. Damon enjoyed the way her mind flew through different topics. She tried to hide it, but her love for music was similar to his own. Their evening at the tavern was simple, fun, and the best date he’d ever had.
“You know, I think I kind of like you,” Skylar said. She’d propped her head on her hand as she considered him.
Damon shouldn’t have been so damn happy about it. “Thanks. I like you too.”
She rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t a compliment, not exactly. And of course you like me. I’ve rocked your world. All guys enjoy repeating that.”
Damon frowned. “No, not that. I meant—”
“Skylar,” her manager said from behind them.
Skylar swiveled toward her. She took in the mostly empty tavern. “Wow, I didn’t realize we’d been here that long. Sorry, Mandy, did you come to get me?”
“No need to apologize, but yes.” Her manager didn’t have the normal calm around her that Damon had come to expect. She was frowning. “I decided this shouldn’t wait.”
Skylar stiffened. “Fuck, is it him?”
The pronoun slid under Damon’s ribs. His fist clenched on his thigh while he studied the familiar pinched look on Skylar’s face.
“Not exactly.” Mandy’s eyes shifted to Damon.
“Wait, this affects Damon?” Skylar slid off the stool. “I figured it was just that fucking tour again.”
Mandy’s lips pressed together. “You’re not wrong. And no, I doubt this will impact Mr. Lynch. You and I should go over a few things.”
“Sure.” Skylar’s eyes slid to him, and she forced a smile. Her hands had moved to her pockets, and there was a tension to her shoulders.
“I’ll close us out here. You go ahead,” Damon offered. Questions pushed at his throat, but he swallowed them.
“Yeah, okay.” Skylar hesitated, her gaze searching his. “It wasn’t my worst date.”
Damon nodded. “Mine either,” he returned, but her smile remained brittle, her mind no longer on him.
She didn’t touch him as she shifted away from the bar and strode after her manager toward the exit.
“What was that about?” Malcolm asked.