She rolled her eyes. “Please, I know what you taste like. I bet that would blow up this little schoolboy image, sweet face.”
He decided he deserved it for running off the jet like his ass was on fire. “We should talk,” he murmured.
“My room it is,” Skylar said, loud enough for anyone around them to hear as she changed their direction, dragging him toward the elevator. Her manager followed.
At least they didn’t have long to wait as the doors immediately slid open. Her manager scanned a key card before pressing the button for the top floor. Once the doors whispered shut again, Damon pulled away from her, leaning back against the mirrored wall. Inside the enclosed space, the tangy sweetness of her aroma seemed stronger.
Her manager handed Skylar the key card before pulling out a second. “Here,” she said.
Damon stared at the one she was trying to hand him. “Mandy, wasn’t it? I don’t need that.”
Skylar took it from her instead, slapping it into his chest. “Unless you want a public breakup, take it.”
He caught it before the card fell, frowning. “Is that a threat?”
“An offer.” Skylar batted her eyes at him. “Remember, I get to be the bad guy. It’ll be fun if that’s what you want for the media already.” Her hands combed through her hair. “Hell, it’s all your fans that give a shit. I don’t think they like the idea of their boy being taken.”
The way she spit out ‘boy’ made him frown. “I tried to tell you before, you’re wrong about me appealing to the younger crowd.”
Skylar shrugged as the elevator dinged. “That wasn’t why I aged you down. Increase your stamina, and I’ll upgrade you to a man.”
Damon flushed, but couldn’t refute the stamina bit. He was still shocked at himself for coming like he had.
Skylar was ignoring him anyway and nodded to the opened elevator. “This is you, Mandy, right? You don’t like to be too high up, but always say the ground floor is dangerous.”
Damon had missed when they had pressed the button for another floor.
Her manager’s gaze moved between them. “Are you sure you don’t want a referee?”
“Nah,” Skylar said, waving a hand toward the exit.
Mandy’s eyes locked on him. “I was asking Mr. Lynch.”
He considered waking Jimmy up. Having both managers there seemed like a good idea.
Skylar’s lips spread in a smirk. “Only if you’re going to join for the sexy bits, too, Mandy.” Her eyes slid down her manager’s skirted business suit. “I admit, the thought of mussing you up a little doesn’t suck.”
Mandy turned away. “Try to at least rest for a few hours.” The elevator doors closed behind her retreating figure.
“Alone at last,” Skylar said. Her finger jabbed at the already lit button for the top floor.
Damon stiffened, preparing himself for her touch, but she stared at the buttons and didn’t reach for him.
“These suites have plenty of rooms for you to crash in one. Appearances and all that. If you want a go, whatever, but I sleep alone.” Her fingers tapped over the elevator button as she continued to stare at it.
“If I want a go?” Damon repeated, not sure what to make of how blasé she was. “Skylar, I really only meant for us to talk.”
“Sure you did.” The elevator beeped again, and the doors opened into the suite itself. Skylar strode past the entry hall and into the living space beyond.
The suite took up the entire top floor. It wasn’t set up as a honeymoon suite or anything like that, thank God, with no flowers or champagne or steaming hot tub. Damon didn’t book the top floors. He didn’t need that much space and couldn’t justify spending the label’s money that way. While his songs topped the charts, they weren’t usually in the number one spots. Despite his success, he knew they had a couple of bands that outperformed him. Besides, he had grown up with less, and the hoarder in him would rather save money.
“It’s nice,” he said, moving across to the glass-windowed wall. His hometown wasn’t a big city. It did have a downtown area that looked nice enough, though being on the fifteenth floor was about as tall as it got. He took in the distance to the nearby park. It looked close enough for a run. If Trenton hadn’t moved out of his downtown condo, they could have run together like in the old times.
“Yeah, yeah.” Skylar moved in front of him. Her hands went to his jeans even as she began herding him back. She was quicker than his tired mind, and his legs hit the back of the nearest couch with his belt, button, and zipper undone, and Skylar following him down to straddle him. “Let’s get this over with,” she mumbled, her hands tilting his head back for her mouth to settle over it.
Having her legs spread on top of him didn’t leave him soft, but all Damon felt in her body was nerves and tension. His own hands sank into her hair, surprised all over again at how soft it was. He lifted her head away from his before she took things too far. “Listen, Skylar—”
“I’m kind of beat, so let’s not drag this out.” She shifted over his erection in a caress.