Page 16 of Cruel Expectations

He shot his friend a look. “Little late now, don’t you think?”

He scrubbed a knuckle over his upper lip as if trying to stop a smile from spreading. “Yeah.”

“I can ride. Growing up, I spent time at a buddy’s ranch in Kentucky.” A home away from the hell of his own home life.

“Good to hear I won’t be picking you up off the ground—very much, anyway.”

Hunter started to respond to the jeer, but the rumble of an ATV engine approached from behind them. They pivoted from the fence in time to see the driver come to a halt near the paddock. The passenger jumped off, and the driver circled the small vehicle.

Spotting Colton, they nodded in greeting before sauntering over to the paddock where Colton and Hunter stood watching the horses.

The tall, broad-shouldered guy dressed in worn jeans, cowboy boots and a black Stetson gave a nod to Hunter but said nothing.

He arched a brow at the guy. It was customary to introduce yourself to a newcomer first. This guy’s momma must not have taught him any manners.

The stranger continued to stare at Hunter, sizing him up.

Seeing that he needed to be the bigger person, Hunter extended his hand. “Hunter Hart.”

“Zach Webb. Guys call me Webb. You must be the new guy Colton told us about.” He shot Colton a dark glance.

Okay. Now Hunter was putting the pieces together. Colton and Webb had some beef with each other.

Which meant Hunter had a problem with Webb too.

The other man sauntered over and extended a hand to Hunter. “I’m Marks.”

Colton nudged Marks in the shoulder. “Marks is all-time shit shoveler.”

“Nope—I’ve just been promoted. Shovelin’ shit is the newbie’s job. He looks about as strong as you, and you handled a shovel pretty well.”

Hunter could damn well use a shovel—to bury a man—if need be.

“Welcome to the Gracey. Later on, we’ll see if you’re any good at cards.” Marks offered a grin and then walked away in slow, stiff strides, as if his back pained him after the hard labor of the day.

After he was out of earshot, Webb got to the point. “He knows?” he asked Colton.

“Not all of it.”

Hunter folded his arms and adopted the same pose that Colton had before. “Care to fill me in now?”

Colton’s spine stiffened. “A man came onto the ranch and attempted to take Meadow.”

His eyes widened. “The one you killed?”

Colton gave a single hard nod. “I left her here with a ranch hand on watch. A guy we called Dude.”

Hunter sent his buddy a sharp look. It surprised him that Colton had left her in another man’s care. Hunter sure as hell wouldn’t if he had someone important to him.

Colton went on, “I went to the bar with the idea to get people to talk about the things going on around here.”

“What sort of things?”

“Meadow’s horse was slaughtered.” Webb’s hardened tone gave Hunter a beat of pause as much as his contribution to the conversation.

Hunter ingested this information. “So someone is killing your horses and trying to steal your woman. What enemy does the family have?”

“That’s what we’re still trying to make out. There are cameras all over the ranch, and we’ve had a few trespassers. One came to the house to speak to Sean Gracey, Meadow and Forest’s dad, and by the photo, it doesn’t look like it’s a friendly meeting.”