Page 40 of Heart Thief

There’s no hiding the venom in my voice. Xander and Anthony, who didn’t know any of this, glare at my mother, absolutely appalled.

Xander can’t contain himself, shouting at her, “You knew! And you didn’t tell him. All those loses, and he had a son. And you didn’t tell him?”

God love Xander. I focus on him instead of my mother because I’m only just hanging onto my temper. Anthony steps towards me again holding onto my elbow as a comfort. I look at him and say, “Incredible, isn’t it. My own mother, my son's grandmother, throwing him out. Maybe Rowena can shed some light on why, but I doubt it.”

She stands and comes towards me, real fear in her eyes. “Marcus, your father…” she starts.

I laugh and she stops dead. “Don’t, just don’t. She heard you instructing the staff to ‘get rid of them,’” I tell her. “So think long and hard before you open your mouth.”

She starts to cry. And I feel nothing, not a thing.

Giles jumps up and puts his arms around her. I look across at Xander who’s looking at my mother like he may commit a murder any minute.

“You’re upsetting your mother, please stop this attack.”

I roll my eyes and look to the heavens for some patience. “Really, Giles. You think we should stop? Okay, get your stuff, the pair of you. I want you out of this house tonight. And don’t think of going to Yorkshire, you’re not welcome there either. Giles, maybe you can find a home with the Irish contingent you're so fond of.”

My mother collapses onto the sofa and starts to wail as I go to leave the room.

“Xan, Ant, let's sort out the estate. Xan, can you check in?” I turn my back on them and start to move towards the door, every emotion in me is now totally shut down. I feel as cold as ice, no compassion for the woman sobbing, nothing. I wonder if I’m having a mini breakdown but don’t look back.

“Marcus,” she wails. “Please stop, we did it for you, we…”

I stop in my tracks and turn, walking back towards her. “Carry on, and I want the truth.”

She visibly gulps and says quietly, “We thought we were doing the best for you. She told us about the baby and then she brought the baby to the house. But I never looked at him. You had gone to university, your life was just starting. Daddy sent her some money via a solicitor with instructions she was not to know where it came from. We wanted you to be free to get on with your life, not be burdened at eighteen with a wife and a baby. We did not even know if it was truly yours. Everett always was a wild child, running around with lots of boys. We were only thinking of you.”

I shake my head in disbelief. “You sent money, fucking typical. You wanted to believe it was not mine so you could blame Evie, you always did. What about when he was four? He looks just like me, Mother. How did that fit with your narrative?”

“You were married, you were in love, you’d lost a baby. Caroline was so fragile. You were drinking and staying out. Caroline was struggling as it was, she would not have coped with Everett Parker and her son.”

I start to laugh, full belly laugh. I must look a bit unhinged as Rowena takes a step backwards away from me.

“In love, what a joke. I never fucking loved Caroline, and she knew it. I married her because she was carrying my baby and Dad said I had to. Fucking loved, you truly are delusional. Well listen to me now and let's be very clear here. Stay away from my son, stay away from his mother. Stay away from them all. If I get one whiff that you or anyone of your acquaintance has been near the Greystone family, I will cut you both off. No more money, no more houses, no more prancing around. One whiff, and you’re out. I won’t even have to prove it. I’ll just send the movers and Mick to get you out. Are we clear?” I look from my mother, who is nodding and crying, to Giles. “Are. We. Clear.”

“Crystal,” he responds.

“Good. Xan, Ant, let’s go.” I walk out of the library and into the office to ensure my son is protected now and in the future. Nothing is more important than that.




My phone is going mental. I go to grab it as it vibrates off the side table and heads for the floor. I catch it, but end up rolling out of bed to do so, landing with a bit of a thump on my side. Ugh that does not feel too good. I’m stiff and a bit sore in places. Many places. Pulling myself back onto the bed, I unlock my phone to see what’s going on.

Messages. Lots of messages. Some from friends, but lots more from acquaintances. All talking about Marcus Russell.

The statement has obviously hit the internet. James’s name is out there for all to see. And for those who know us, or even just know of us, it’s not a hard leap to the truth. Or to me.

I sigh and get up, checking the time. 4 p.m. It looks like it went live around lunch time. No one’s come to get me up, so I assume it’s not too bad for us. Part of me hopes Kellen is not being bombarded. The other part? Well…

I don’t want to read any of it so I ignore the links and questions in the majority of the messages and just respond to my two friends, Grace and Lauren, with a generic ‘hey.’

My phone rings immediately, Grace.

“Hey Gr…”