Page 28 of Love Notes

“Not at all, what can I do to help?”

“Did you find anything else out about Trevor Gibson?” I asked, trying to remain calm, but knowing full well the stress was beginning to show in my voice.

“Nothing more than the basics of what I told you. I’ll send you the updated documents now.”

I thanked him and ended the call. There was a knock at my door and Levi went to answer it.

“Mr Thatcher?”

Levi pointed in my direction.

“We just wanted to keep you informed that we have a lead into Mr Love’s disappearance and are looking into who owned the car he was last seen getting into.”

I nodded. This wasn’t news to me. I had already figured out who it was that owned the car. I knew that as soon as I saw the CCTV. I also knew that because this was an open investigation to them, they wouldn’t tell me who it was anyway.

“If we find out anything further, I will keep you updated,” he finished.

I shook his hand and thanked him for his time, closing the door behind him as he left.

“The buggers don’t get anymore helpful with this, do they?” Levi laughed to himself.

“Not one fucking bit,” I agreed. “Any word on where the car went after driving away?”

Levi shook his head. “Nah, boss. Looks like they had at least some knowledge on being followed. Aside from the odd traffic camera in the direction of the M8, they seem to have just disappeared from sight.”

Fuck. I knew what that meant. They had been even more clear in their goals and how to achieve them. They understood they would need to avoid being seen.

“This has been planned.”

Levi agreed, “Too fucking planned for my liking. The call you had was just to get you out of the way long enough to get Lennox. And now these fuckers have it in place to stay away from view and just disappear.” Just as he spoke his phone pinged with a text message. “Well, my mate has just confirmed that the car is indeed registered to Trevor Gibson.” He showed me the screen.

Anger bubbled up within me. “He lied to my fucking face.” I made a vow that if I saw him again I was going to punch his lights out. “Now what?” I growled.

“Relax, boss. We’re going to keep looking. Something will turn up and we’ll get him back.”

“Levi, call in some of the tech guys. Tell them they have an hour to take apart her social media, her emails, her bank accounts, and the same for Trevor Gibson. There has to be something—other cars, property, credit cards, cash withdrawals. Anything. There has to be a tie to something, somewhere that we have overlooked.”

Levi lifted his phone and was dialling before I had even finished what I was saying. I really hoped that we could find some clues to be able to get Lennox back, but the more time went on, the more worried I got.



“Don’t look so nervous,” she cooed at me.

“Forgive me, but you kidnapped me, brought me here with a gun, and have me tied to a chair in a farmhouse in the arsehole of nowhere. I mean, that doesn’t exactly feel like the warmest of welcomes.”

“I’m sorry.” She looked genuinely regretful. “But it’s not like they would let me talk to you. They kept trying to keep us apart. We used to talk, and then once you left the band, I didn’t hear from you anymore. But now you’re back….”

The cogs in my head were spinning. Her words echoed over and over. ‘We used to talk.’ I needed to know what the hell she was talking about. “We used to talk?”

“Don’t you remember?”

“I was drinking a lot back then,” I lied.

She nodded like she understood. “I cherished every one of them.” She opened the bag that she had with her, and I winced, preparing myself for another weapon, she pulled out a stack of clearly repeatedly read cards.

“Those are all from me?” I asked in complete disbelief as I stared at the neatly tied up bundle.