Page 19 of Love Notes

“Come on, runaway, let’s get you back to the hotel. Unless you want us to do something else, boss?”

Tom shook his head. “She’ll be long gone. But we might need to think seriously about the number of men we have as extras from here on out. I don’t like the ramifications of this at all.” Tom turned to me. “If you start to overthink what just happened, and you need to stop and breathe, just let me know and we will sort it for you, okay?”

Knowing exactly what Tom meant, I nodded, hoping it wouldn’t happen, but understanding that because it was me, it probably would.

When we got back to the hotel the guilt was killing me. I was making Tom’s job harder, and why? Because I was being a silly little brat and letting my emotions put me in danger. Just as Tom had mentioned, I did indeed start to think things over. I thought about the fact that to know that I was in that park at that moment in that exact spot; that had been no coincidence. She had been waiting for me. Following me. Hoping I would give her the opportunity to approach me. And me being the complete idiot that I am had offered it to her on a plate.

“Hey,” Tom scolded. “Stop that thought, I can see your mind working.”

It warmed me that he could read me so well already to know where my mind was heading, but it didn’t stop the thoughts that were churning around in my brain.

I could have walked right into a trap with her. She could have had a weapon. She could have had acid. She could have done literally anything to me, and because of my stupidity and sulking over hurt feelings.

“I’m sorry about today,” I admitted, trying to work my way through how I was thinking and feeling about it all. “I shouldn’t have gone out like a pouting teenager and made your job harder. This tour has given me a lot to think about, and a lot of tension.”

“Don’t apologise. Honestly. And for what it’s worth, if my stupid off the cuff comment about it all being part of the service last night added to all of that, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to imply that anything that happened with us yesterday wasn’t something out of the ordinary and actually, pretty damn special.”

I felt that increasingly familiar warmth flood through me. It was happening more and more around Tom and if I wasn’t careful, I was going to get addicted to him quickly.

“When I realised that no one could find you, my stomach sank and I was worried. I don’t usually get that worried about my clients.”

“Even if they go missing?” I asked, a little taken aback by his admission.

He nodded. “Yes, because that doesn’t help me keep a clear and calm head to be able to get them back in one piece.”

I grimaced a little at the thought of him being so disconnected and a little bit cold, but even more so when I thought about making him worry about me. God, I could be such an idiot. Something flickered over his face, and he leaned over. Before I realised what he was doing his lips were on mine.

Electricity flowed through every part of my body, prickling on my mouth and radiating out from there. His hand cupped my face. His tongue slipped along my lips and teased them apart. The feeling of his tongue on mine set my body on high alert. The prickling of electricity threatened to turn into a raging fire that would engulf us both.

He parted his lips from mine, his forehead resting against me. “Don’t you ever apologise for being who you are. You are pretty fucking special, Lennox Love.”



When we arrived in Northern Ireland, en route to Belfast, everything had changed. I had wanted to take things a lot further with Lennox last night, but something was still holding me back. I wasn’t sure what it was, or how to get myself around it. At least now I knew that I wanted to.

Lennox lifted his bag from the boot of my car, and I smiled cheekily at him. “I hope you don’t feel like you need to escape again.”

Lennox stuck his tongue out at me. “You know, I would, but for very different reasons this time. I have only ever been to Belfast once before. We arrived, played a big arena, and then we were out of here. I never got to drink in any of the history or the atmosphere that the city has to offer.”

“You never got to be a tourist you mean?” I asked with a playful grin.

“Yes.” He laughed back at me. “Exactly that.”

“Would you like to be?” I asked and his face lit up.

“Could we really? I mean, wouldn’t it be risky?”

His caution made me smile, but I understood why he thought it might be needed after everything. I was pretty sure Lennox wasn’t at risk of actual physical harm from her. I would remain very much on alert, though. Just because she wouldn’t hurt him, didn’t mean that he wasn’t still under threat from her. At least this way we would have more opportunity to see if she was still following him.

“I doubt after what happened in Newcastle she’ll be around today. Though I will make damn sure to keep an eye out for her at all times if you do want to go out.”

“You’re sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble?”

“I’m absolutely sure; you’re never too much trouble.” I grinned, revelling in his reaction to the suggestion. I liked how he was able to relax around me. I liked being able to go with him and experience fun things with him that didn’t involve music or protection. I’d be lying if I said that the thought of all this being much more didn’t cross my mind.

“Besides, I spent a while in Belfast, and I know the city and its highlights pretty well.”