I glance at the door, making sure the chain is engaged. I know Heather and Melissa both have keys, and it’s just my luck they’d stop by the apartment when I’ve got Savannah on the entry floor.

I fumble through my pants for my wallet and make short work of the condom I keep there while she rubs her hands up and down my abs and pants under me, her eyes never leaving my weeping cock. I flick the wrapper away and watch it land under the end table as I nudge her legs apart and push myself into her in one movement.

We both arch our backs into the sensation, and I roll my neck with pleasure. “Baby,” I whisper. I love calling her that, no matter how temporary the nickname is.

Her nails gently run over my skin, first on my stomach, then to my back as I bend over her. I thrust hard so that I can hear that little whimper I like that she does every time I push to the hilt. My hand strokes her hair as I pant against her ear. “Is this what you wanted, Savanah?”

“Yes. I missed you,” she whispers back, her breath tickling my jaw.

This is going to be quick. I haven’t jerked off in days, and I’ve missed her tightness around me. “Rub yourself for me. I want to watch.”

My shy librarian nods against my neck and brings her hands between us to rub her clit. She uses two fingers, and I make a mental note to do that the next time we’re snuggled on the couch and my hands find their way into her panties.

I thrust and push my face into the carpet behind her, groaning and trying not to lose my shit until she loses hers. I try thinking about the roughness of the carpet, work stuff, and the stereotypical baseball game. Nothing works, and I move my hands away from her body to see if that will help. I grip the carpet under me as I hover in pushup position, hoping the physical exertion of a plank will help control my balls.

Thankfully, Savannah tightens under me. “Thank fuck,” I mumble as her stomach quivers. She moans my name and twists her torso into the waves of her orgasm.

That pussy, that goddess-like part of her body that I’d burn the world down for, trembles around my length, and I grip her hair as I pound her against the carpet so hard I’ll need to apologize for the rug burns later.

I moan her name over and over and cuss against her ear as she wraps her legs around me, urging me on by gripping my ass. Heat moves up my back, and my balls contract as I tremble with pleasure and moan for her. I bury my face in her hair and groan her name in a blended string of curse words that would make Gus blush.

As soon as I unload into the condom, we both still against each other as sweat runs off my forehead and drips to the floor. We breathe against each other, and Savannah tightens her legs at my waist.

“We needed this,” I pant when I can speak again. “Let’s not be mad at each other and ruin the rest of the time in the contract. It’s only a couple more months.” I push my forehead to hers and smile against her lips.

She clears her throat and wraps her arms around my back as she drags her hand up my spine in the way she knows I like after sex. How did she figure that out so fast? Does my breathing change or hitch so she knows it’s my weakness? Do my eyes flutter? “I don’t want to be mad at you, Wilder. I hate it, and I shouldn’t be so sensitive. I know the terms. We’re temporary, and I need to remember that. I’ll be more amenable to a conversation next time.”

“I don’t know what that will lead to, Savannah,” I smile. “I just asked for a hug. Look where it got us.”

December 13– Savannah

“What are you getting him for Christmas?” Melissa asks, setting the expensive headphones she was trying out on the display holder.

“Fuck if I know,” I mumble, strolling along the row of televisions for sale. I look at the price tag for a moderate-sized one and grimace. Maybe I should have had Mom throw in a new TV.

“What kind of music does he like?”

I roll my neck, and it cracks with the movement. “I think we have the same taste in music. He just downloads it himself and listens with his headphones on while he vacuums or cleans the toilet. I can’t ever hear it. I guess he doesn’t want to disturb me.”

Melissa brings her to hand to her forehead and fake swoons against a display rack. “He vacuums and cleans the toilet? Be still my heart. You found a man who vacuums, and you don’t know what you’re getting him? I know what I’d get him,” she says, straightening to full height.

“What would you get him?” I ask, eager to take any ideas I can get.

“I’d get down on my knees and suck his soul out of his body through his penis. Duh.”

I’ve already tried that, but I’m not giving Melissa that ammunition. I can’t do that for Christmas when I do it on a random Tuesday night when he gets home from work. I don’t know why women complain about doing it. I love getting on my knees for him. Hearing his soft moans and his fingers running through my hair soothes me after my long day as much as I think I’m soothing him. It’s not like he doesn’t return the favor for me. “I want something really special for him.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I square my shoulders and glare at Melissa, hopeful I can wipe the smug look off her face. “Not that he’s special or anything,” I say, trying to sound confident when I say it. My voice trembles a little, and I bite my lip to keep it from shaking. “He’s temporary, but I…” I search for words, looking at the gift card display next to me like I’m looking for inspiration. “I guess I just want him to remember me fondly.”

“Honey, I think he’ll have nothing but fond memories.” Her eyes follow mine to the gift card display. “How about an iTunes gift card? That way, he can listen to whatever he wants, right?”

“Sure. Nothing says, ‘Thanks for being my fake boyfriend and taking me to heights of pleasure I never knew possible,’ quite like an iTunes gift card. That’s something I would get for my boss.”

“Well, I hope you’re not doing the same things with your boss that you’re doing with Wilder.”

“My boss is female.”

Melissa turns to me and winks. “Kinky.”