“And…” He lets the word hang there and then steps back from the bench. He stoops to pick up my shoe and gently slides it back on my bandaged foot. “I like you. You’re easy to be around. You’re a hard worker, but you also have fun. I think…it’s important to be friends.”

I blink slowly several times. I don’t want to be friends with Alex. I want him to rip my clothes off and take me on this bench.

I force myself to smile, despite the disappointment at getting friendzoned by my crush. “I like you, too. Thank you. For the first aid.”

He swallows thickly and takes another step back, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. “Make sure you take some ibuprofen when you get home, and keep it elevated. Repeat the ice, too.”

I give a little salute. “Yes, sir.”

Alex’s eyes darken at my words, and I can’t help but wonder if he’s imagining me saying those words in a very different context, despite the fact that he just told me that we’re friends.

“Come on,” he says, picking up my discarded gear bag and slinging it over his shoulder, then offering me his arm. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

We walk in silence, and with every step, I try to convince myself that this is enough. That skating with Alex and being his friend is all I need out of this situation. That with time, my crush will fade, and I’ll be so relieved I didn’t act on it, jeopardizing our new partnership.

It’s enough. It’s more than enough.

He helps me into my car and walks across the parking lot to his, pulling out onto the road. Off to go do whatever he does when he’s not at the rink.

My partner. My friend. Nothing more.

“It’s not enough,” I whisper as I watch his taillights disappear.


I’m alone in my dark apartment, but in my mind, I’m in that little first aid room with Cate.

I’m sitting on my bed, fist wrapped around my cock, stroking slowly as I recreate the scene in my head and how I wish it could’ve gone.

I wonder if she has any idea how close I came to kissing her. How hard I fought not to. How much I wish I had, if only to have one single taste of her.

But I know I’m kidding myself if I think one taste would ever be enough.

I use my thumb to spread the precome leaking from my slit over the head of my cock, replaying the heavy-lidded look she gave me as she repeated my words back to me about wanting her for skating.

In my mind, I tell her the truth. That I just want her. Period.

The pleather creaks under my hands as I lean in closer, pulling her scent into my lungs. Flowers and sunshine. So sweet and pure.

“You watched me and wanted me,” she whispers, and I nod, moving closer.

“I watch you constantly, Cate. I want you constantly, too.”

“You do?” She looks up at me with those gorgeous eyes, and I lean down, dragging my nose over her cheek.

“It’s all I do.”

“Alex.” Her voice is a breathy whisper as she wraps her arms and legs around me, pulling me close.

And then we’re kissing, lips colliding, tongues brushing. Our clothes disappear as our mouths work together and my hand dips between her legs. She’s soft and wet and hot.

“Spread your legs,” I say. “Open wide for me.”

She does, and I drop to my knees in front of her.

I stroke my cock harder and faster, my grip rough, almost punishing. My balls tighten, heat gathering low in my gut.

I kiss her pussy, rubbing my lips all over her before giving a gentle suck on her clit. Her hands are in my hair, and she pants my name over and over again as I eat her little pink cunt.