My cock starts to harden and she’s writhing against me, so I slowly break the kiss because if I don’t, I’ll do something indecent, like bend her over and fuck her on Scott’s desk. My chest is heaving as she reaches up and smooths a lock of hair away from my forehead.

“I meant what I said,” I whisper, still holding her close. “I’ll always choose you, Cate. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she says, and I’m kissing her again. I can’t help it. Not when she’s telling me she loves me.

After another moment of enjoying the slide of her tongue against mine, I pull away. “Come on. I don’t know where Scott is, but if Deb’s still here, we should get back to practice. Let’s show the world what we can do.”

She smiles and nods. “I couldn’t agree more.”


Ispend the rest of the day feeling like I’m floating on a cloud. Despite the uncertainty hanging over us, despite the lingering tension of the argument between Alex and Scott, the rest of the day feels like a dream because Alex McIntyre is in love with me.

Alex freaking McIntyre. Is in love. With me!

After practice, Alex tells me to pack an overnight bag and meet him back at his place for our first official date. I do, and when I get there, he opens the door wearing an apron. His entire apartment smells like garlic and tomatoes and all things delicious.

“I didn’t know if you’d be up for going out after today, so I thought I’d cook instead,” he says, kissing me on the cheek and then taking my bag as I step inside. “Since I haven’t taken you on a proper date, I figured I had some catching up to do in the romance department.”

Everything inside me feels warm and melty, and I help him grate cheese and make the salad while the garlic bread and lasagna finish cooking. It makes me a little giddy how easily we fall into a cozy, domestic routine together in the kitchen. We move smoothly around each other, chat and tease and laugh, and it’s as though we’ve done this a hundred times already.

When the meal’s ready, he lights candles and leads me to the table, where we eat slowly, talking and talking and talking. We talk about our childhoods and movies and places we’ve traveled and just…everything. And it’s easy. It’s so easy. Even though I’ve never actually been on a date before, I know deep down that this is a very, very good one.

Because it’s right. It’s more right than anything in the world, and nothing is going to stop us from being together and skating together. No matter what, we’ll find a way to make it work. And knowing that Alex, who could skate with anyone, who is so freaking gorgeous and could date anyone, wants me more than anyone else…it’s a heady feeling, and not one I’m ever sure I’ll get used to.

We finish eating the delicious meal he made and then I help him clear the table and wash the dishes. We stand side by side at the sink while he washes as I dry, and there’s something erotic about watching his strong hands plunge into the soapy water over and over. When he wrings out the sponge, hand flexing, it makes me rub my thighs together and suppress a whimper. He chuckles and tosses the sponge into the sink, wipes his hands on my towel and then grips my hips, pulling me against him.

“Tell me what you’re thinking about right now,” he says, his beautiful brown eyes meeting mine.

“That everything you do is impossibly sexy. That watching you wash dishes is a turn on.” I sigh. “That I’m the luckiest girl in the entire freaking world.”

He chuckles and grazes his nose against my cheek. “Replace girl with guy, and I could say all of that right back to you.”

“This is insane, isn’t it?” I ask, already rubbing against him. “It’s so fast and so intense.”

“It’s completely batshit insane, Cate. In the best possible way.”

“I love you,” I whisper, and he groans, taking my mouth in a sweet, gentle kiss.

“I love you,” he murmurs against my lips. I slide my tongue against his lip and he groans again, then pulls away.

“You must be sore, princess. I don’t want to hurt you.” I pout a little, and he laughs. “Why don’t we watch a movie? Snuggle up on the couch and do the whole couple spending a quiet evening at home thing?”

“I do really like that idea,” I admit. “I like being here with you. Your place is so cozy and comfortable, and you’ve got that great view of the mountains.”

He shrugs easily, putting the last of the dried dishes away. “You could move in. If you want.”

Excitement bursts through me and I nod eagerly. “My lease is up in two months. I’ll see if I can find another skater to take it over so that I don’t leave my roommate hanging.”

He grins. “Sounds like a plan.”

He leads me into the living room and we start browsing Netflix. We quickly agree on a documentary about a jewelry heist, and I snuggle into him, his arm over my shoulders, and it feels so good to just be close to him. To smell the scent of his skin, to feel the solid warmth of his body, to watch the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs. But being close to him is also a mega turn on, and it doesn’t take long before my body is one giant throb.

Am I sore? Yes. Absolutely. Do I want Alex again, right now?

One thousand percent.

Sore or not, I want him. I think I’ll probably always want him, no matter what. I want to tell him I love him while he’s inside me.