I grin and blush. “I wish it could only be you.”

The corner of his mouth kicks up and I wish I could kiss him right now. The music starts and we start to move through the routine. The tension from yesterday has melted into something even better, and I can feel the passionate longing in every single one of our movements, our facial expressions. I don’t feel like I’m about to snap with the unresolved tension between us, and instead, I’m able to fully embody the character and focus on executing everything perfectly.

It’s the best we’ve ever skated it, and we both know it, wide smiles spreading across both of our faces when we hit the final pose. My heart is pounding, my breath sawing in and out of my lungs, my legs burning with exertion, but none of that compares to the absolute euphoria shooting through me. We nailed it. I know we did.

And while Deb looks absolutely elated at how we just skated, Scott looks completely furious. His face is red and a muscle in his jaw is jumping around angrily. My breath stutters in my chest as I shrink into Alex a little.

Alex is staring back at Scott, eyes hard, his mouth a thin line. Staring as though he’s daring him to say something.

“You think this is acceptable behavior?” Scott asks, chin jutting at Alex. “Messing around with someone almost half your age? Someone you’re supposed to be building a professional relationship with for the sake of your goddamned career?”

“Whoa.” Deb puts a hand on Scott’s chest. “Let’s not jump to conclusions and say things we’ll regret later,” she says, catching his eyes and sending him a beseeching look.

“I’m not jumping to conclusions. I’m just using my eyes. And what I’m watching is my world champion skater losing his mind over some barely legal—“

In a flash, Alex is at the boards, right in Scott’s face. “Finish that sentence,” he says quietly. “I dare you.” His voice is low and tight, and I twist my fingers together, tension and anxiety squeezing me from the inside.

“You took advantage of her,” says Scott, and something inside me snaps.

“First of all, her is right here,” I say, waving my hand. “And second, my relationship with Alex is one hundred percent consensual. I may be young, but I am an adult, and I can choose whom I date.” I skate forward. “And third, I’m not sure our personal relationship is any of your business.”

He sneers at me and I reach for Alex’s hand, seeking out its reassuring, comforting warmth and strength. Then he returns his attention to Alex, as though he’s not even going to deign to speak to me.

“It’s absolutely my concern when it interferes with your training.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s interfering how?” says Alex, tension radiating down his neck. “We were here on time, ready to work, and just skated that routine near perfectly.” He chuckles darkly and shakes his head. “This isn’t about interfering with training. This is because you don’t approve.”

“You’re right, I don’t,” he says. “And I won’t stand for it. I won’t endorse it. This needs to be a professional relationship and nothing more.”

Scott’s words hit me like bullets, but Alex doesn’t let go of my hand. I can see his chest heaving as he fights back the anger inside him. My heart is beating erratically inside my chest as I fight to keep the rising panic at bay.

Skating with Alex is my professional future. Being with Alex is my personal one. But if Scott gets his way, he’ll rip one of those futures away from me.

“I think you’re overreacting,” says Deb quietly, moving Scott away from the boards and putting herself between him and Alex. “Why don’t we all take a breather and revisit this with cooler heads?”

Scott turns his glare on Deb. “Don’t tell me what to do, Deb.” He points a finger in Alex’s direction. “You have a choice to make. You can either keep things professional and keep training here, or think with your dick and find yourself a new coach and training facility. It’s your call.”

And with that, he turns and storms off, leaving everything I’ve ever wanted hanging in the balance.


Idon’t think I’ve ever been more furious in my entire life. My jaw aches from grinding my teeth together and before I know what I’m doing, I’m following Scott off the ice.

“Alex,” calls Deb, and I glance back, not at her, but at Cate. My sweet, beautiful Cate. I stomp back, cup her face in my hands and kiss her gently. “I’ll be back.” She nods up at me, but I can see the fear and the worry in her pretty eyes, and I hate that Scott made her feel that way.

I jam my skate guards on over my blades and head straight to Scott’s office, where I find him stewing behind his desk.

“We’re not done talking about this,” I say, bracing my hands on the edge of his desk.

“I told you where I stand,” he says. “I’m not going to put my career and reputation on the line when this little fling blows up in your face.” Scott scowls, but I don’t flinch or back down. Because I’m going to fight for Cate. Today, and every day. I promised her protection. I promised her I’d look after her. And I damn well meant it.

“What the hell is your problem?” I grind out. “Didn’t you see how we skated just now? She’s even better than Charlotte. We’re perfect together.”

“On the ice, sure. But when all of this goes south off the ice, where will that leave us?”

“You don’t get it,” I say, raking a hand through my hair. My scalp is prickly with sweat. “We’re perfect together on the ice because we’re perfect together, period.” I shake my head, pulling a deep breath into my lungs. “And frankly, you have no right to tell me what to do with my personal life. And you definitely don’t have the right to say nasty things about Cate.”

Scott stands, and suddenly we’re only inches apart. “I have every right when it concerns my skaters and their ability to train and compete at the highest level. I’ve poured the past ten years of my life into your career, Alex. I’m not going to stand by and watch you throw it away.”