Page 8 of Professor Obsessed

“Emma,” he said to me, gazing at me with those gorgeous green eyes, “You don’t want to come off clingy now do you?”

He was probably right. There was nothing more annoying than when things came up and someone wouldn’t stop blowing up your phone about it. Anna had other friends than just me, she probably got busy and lost track of time.

I nodded, “I guess I’ll pack up and head home then.” I stood up ready to gather my blanket and walk back to my place when Chase grabbed my wrist.

“Or,” he said, grinning at me. The kind that the hot guys in movies did right before they confessed their love for the main girl, “You could spend the day with me.”

I mulled over the idea. I didn’t plan on doing anything else. I was going to go home and read, heat up another TV dinner, and pass out in front of the television. I felt his grip tighten on my wrist slightly, his fingers overlapping as he waited for my response.

His gaze never left mine, his grin wavered only slightly.

“Okay,” I agreed as he stood gathering up the picnic blanket, “What did you have in mind today?”

“Well,” he tossed the folded blanket over his shoulder and began walking, I followed suit, “I was thinking we go somewhere and get something to cool off, then maybe dinner. Maybe,” he dragged out the last syllable, “you and I spend some time at your place.”

“Chase Lowe are you trying to get me to take you to my bed,” I teased as we waited at a crosswalk. I could make out his car in a parking lot across from us.

“I mean, there’s no one else being invited into your bed is there?”

“What? Of course not. I know we just happened last night, but truthfully, I’ve been,” I felt stupid saying the words, “I’ve been kind of interested in you since you transferred here. Ya know, like, attracted to you.”

Chase chuckled, “I’ve been watching you for quite some time as well, Emma,” he said leading me to the car, tossing the blanket in the trunk of it and opening the passenger door for me.

“Watching me?” I sat down and the cool of the leather interior felt amazing on my sticky thighs.

“Well yeah, we work together, remember?”

He started the ignition and smoothly pulled into the Pittsburgh traffic, “Right, I knew that’s what you meant, I was being stupid,” I chastised myself. He gripped the steering wheel, his veiny hands tightened on the leather. Such a normal act became so sexual. The twinge between my legs heated my core as my gaze refused to leave his skillful fingers on the wheel.

“So where are we going first?” I asked casually, reaching for his hand. He grabbed mine and kissed the back of it delicately, like I was the most precious thing to him.

“Something sweet, ice cream, or Italian ice,” he flicked his eyes towards me before returning them to the road, “I’m sure they won’t taste as sweet as you.”

My whole body blazed.

This man was going to be the death of me.



Emma was everything I ever wanted in a woman. When I took her out for ice cream, she was ecstatic like she’d never been pampered before. She picked out a fudge and strawberry sundae, nibbling on it slowly. Her laugh was like a symphony to me, her perfect body showcased in the denim shorts and tank top she wore was like my own personal drug. Her shoulder-length waves were tucked into a low ponytail with tendrils framing her face, and her pale skin had a pink hue glistening with a sheen of sweat in the July heat. Her hazel eyes looked like melting caramel, I could stare at her for years and never get bored.

I loved seeing the marks on her throat and chest from our previous night, I couldn’t wait to mar her skin with more. There’d be no question. She belonged to me.

The hours passed in a blur of laughter and dirty jokes, mostly from me. Emma had been mine since the moment I saw her. I loved her in the most unhealthily obsessive way and I couldn’t wait to make her love me exactly the same.

“I just love the thought of adventure, ya know,” she told me as she spooned mashed potatoes into her mouth. We’d gone back into the city for dinner, a cute place nestled on Sixth and Penn Avenue with the most exquisite food, “I think that’s why I love reading the genre. There’s the perfect hero at the end of every story and he always gets the girl.”

I nodded, finishing off my food. I loved hearing her talk about books, movies, anything really. Her angelic voice sent fireworks off in my chest. I couldn’t wait to have her writhing and coming on me.

“I think the only romance I’d read,” I sipped my Moscow mule letting the smooth burn of the ginger relax me, “is one where the villain got the girl.”

She blinked at me.

“What’s that face for? You look like you’ve seen something horrific.” I laughed, tossing back more of my drink. Her little features scrunched in dismay.

“You reading romance? I could never imagine such a thing,” she laughed snorting, “Oh God, I’m sorry. I only do that when something is really funny.” She snorted again covering her mouth this time in an attempt to hide the gleeful expression.