Page 12 of Professor Obsessed

A: Bet. goodnight love

I set my phone on my pillow case as my eyes drifted shut. The weekend was one of the best ones I’d had in my entire life. I felt happy for once, I never wanted this feeling to end.



I watched her pass out in her bed. Her breathing was even and her covers were pulled up to her chin. Texting fucking Anna but unable to follow the one direction I gave her. I needed her to stop falling asleep before telling me.

I scrolled through her messages with Anna to make sure she didn't suspect anything further. She didn’t, my sweet little Emma wasn’t nearly as observant as she should be.

She was perfect for me.



Aknock sounded at my door just as I finished sweeping on a bit of lip gloss. Monday mornings made me sick. I never wanted to get up, I always felt more than exhausted. And Monday meant I had five entire days to get through before I could relax again.

I hurried to the door, my hair whipping across my face and sticking to my lips. Chase smiled at me holding my favorite coffee, “Good morning gorgeous,” he handed the cup out to me, “how did you sleep last night?”

I opened the door wider to let him in, “I slept pretty good. I had quite the weekend,” I said playfully, grabbing my purse. I took a sip of the warm liquid, the caramel and vanilla flavor bursting on my tongue, “I’m still pretty sore.”

He grinned, leading me out into the hallway making our way down to his BMW that was parked right out front with the flashers on. We settled into the leather interior in comfortable silence before he spoke.

“You covered up the bruises,” he turned into the street and headed towards the university, “Are you ashamed of our time together?”

My heart sped up, this was the most a man had ever paid me any mind, I didn’t want our relationship to start off on the wrong foot. “Of course I’m not, I just, I didn’t know how to explain the bruising.”

My explanation didn't seem to resonate with him.

“I’m not ashamed of us at all,” I continued, taking his hand that was resting on the gear shift, “I thought I looked more work appropriate that’s all.” And it was the truth. My mouth and jaw had slight bruises that only a lightweight tinted moisturizer was able to cover. It was my neck and chest that were the worst, and even those were still peaking through the makeup.

“I suppose I don't need other men seeing you like that anyways,” he sighed. My body relaxed with relief at his words, “You’re mine after all.”

I nodded.

We pulled into the parking garage in silence. The Monday blues weren’t showing any signs of lifting as we made small talk about his conference coming up. We stepped into the elevator and hit our respective floors.

“You'll be having lunch with me at noon,” he said the words so casually, “there’s a bagel place just down the block I’ve been dying to take you to.”

“That does sound good but,” I wrung my hands trying to stave off the trembling, “Anna and I like to get lunch on the Monday’s after payday.” That was today, it was our little treat for putting up with the mundane crap the faculty liked to put us through. We’d talk over greasy food and complain about how we didn’t get paid enough.

He frowned as the elevator opened on my floor, jamming his foot in the threshold so the door wouldn’t close, “I suppose I can allow that. But the rest of the week, you’ll be having lunch with me.”

I studied his face, his green eyes bright against the black button up shirt he wore. His gray slacks were perfectly ironed with the crease going down his toned thighs. Looking at his body made me feel hot remembering our rendezvous together, “Alright, I can do that.”

He took my arm, pulling me towards him and pressing a kiss to my forehead, “That’s my good girl,” he whispered into my hair. I leaned into his touch marveling at the feel of his hard body against mine.

“I’ll be thinking of you all day my sweet kitten.”

His words made my knees weak.


“What’s got you all grinning and blushing,” Anna chimed as I walked to our cubbies in the back of the office, “Oh, I brought you a coffee,” she frowned looking at the one in my hand.

“I can double fist it, it’s a Monday, I need all the caffeine my body can manage,” I told her, setting up my laptop, plugging it into the double monitors. Ready for another day of stressing to the max.