Igazed at my reflection in the mirror. The start of another boring day, another boring week, to finish another boring month. The cycle would repeat itself.
My shoulder-length brown wavy hair was naturally frizzy this morning. My skin looked extra pale and washed out, leaving my hazel eyes looking horrifyingly dull. The business casual outfit I was wearing did a whole lot of nothing for my shape but was feminine enough, kinda.
I swept on a bit of makeup, bringing some life back into my appearance, before turning and heading out for the day. I lived in a modern studio flat that was just barely big enough. I had no pets, no car, no life. My day consisted of the same thing on repeat I thought, as I walked out the building making my way to the bus stop.
Pittsburgh was a bright and noisy city most Monday mornings. I was heading to the University where I spent my entire day, working as an office assistant in the mathematics department. Did I mention I was terrible at math? Thank goodness for technology, or I would never make it. Catching the bus was going to be the easiest task of my day, the rest was going to be spent running around the department catering to all of the faculty and staff.
The bus ride was average. I avoided talking to anyone and got out right in front of the university. Walking inside, the cool air soothed my warm skin. It was summer, so while there were still classes going on, the students were scarce. I made my way through the halls and up to my floor.
Ready to get another day over with. God, was it Friday yet?
“Morning Em,” the other office associate, and my best friend said, handing me an iced coffee and smiling at me, “Got you this. Figured you would need it.”
Her tan skin and green eyes were the perfect combo. Anna was adorably cute and short, whereas I was more lanky. My five-seven frame stood over her by a good eight inches, “Thank you,” I accepted the coffee and gulped down my first sip of it, “I did need this.”
“Yeah, anyways,” she said as we walked through the maze of cubicles to where our desks sat across from one another, “One of the mathematics professors came in looking for you. He has a new project he wants to start and needs your assistance.”
Of course, he did.
No one ever didn’t need my assistance. As if I didn't already have seven thousand other things to do in a day.
“Sure,” I sighed, setting my bag down. My mousy hair stuck to my face, shoving it back behind my ear. I turned to Anna, “I will send an email letting him know I’m here.”
“Uh actually…,” she trailed off, her attention averted.
I turned to where she was looking and saw him. One of the newer members of the mathematics department stood there smiling at me in all his gorgeous glory.
Dr. Chase Lowe was the shiny new toy of the faculty, catching everyone’s eye. Transferring here from the West Coast, he was among the most attractive professors. I wasn't quite sure of what his history was, or why he left one of the best colleges to come here, but I did know students and the female staff alike all fought to get into his classes all year round.
And I’m sure it had nothing to do with the subject.
Calculus? If I was in college I would run the other way screaming from that.
Chase gazed at me smiling, his medium-length brown hair and green eyes against his perfectly tanned skin were enough to make me envious, as I stood gawking and pasty. While I always felt tall, compared to Anna especially, Dr. Lowe made me feel short. He had to have been over six foot with a lean muscular build.
“Sorry to interrupt, I have been waiting for you, Miss. Emma,” his whiskey-smooth voice saying my name sent chills down my spine. Anna silently made her exit as he said to me, “I hope that’s alright that we have a chat?”
Drooling, I nodded my head, “Yeah, of course. Anna tells me you require assistance with a new project?” I sat my stuff down, removing my laptop as he took a seat across from my desk.
He wasted no time getting to the point of what he was interested in. I took notes and tried hard to listen to what he was saying, but it was difficult. The smell of his cologne filled my nostrils, he smelled delicious, with prominent dimples and perfect green eyes that lit up when he looked at me. No wonder everyone was mesmerized by him.
It was hard not to be.
“Emma,” his voice tore through the foggy, lusty, haze in my mind as he stood, “Does that sound like something you can help me with?”
I blinked twice, urging myself to say something intelligent. Scrolling on my laptop, I skimmed over the notes I had taken, “Yeah I think so, sounds good to me.” I managed a sweet smile as he held his hand out.
“I look forward to it then, Emma,” his gaze held mine as I reached for his hand. The warmth of his strong grip enveloped my thin fingers as we shook on it. “I’ll be reaching out with my schedule.”
He held my grip a beat longer before sliding his hands from mine, leaving tingles in their wake. I was starting to feel hot as I watched his mouth-watering frame exit and glanced at Anna, who was also gawking.
She turned to me and mouthed Oh my God! Pressing her iced coffee to her flushed cheeks.
I nodded in agreement, gulping my own.