“I have my ways.” His lips moved in a way that convinced me that was what he said.

“Damiano?” A vile taste filled my mouth, settling around the name, and it seeped into the cabin, invading Mercer’s senses as his whole body tensed. He slipped away from me, straightening himself and the suit I’d creased.

“No. Another acquaintance.”

“That acquaintance have a name?”

“Karma.” The word—or name—sounded cold in the cybernetic tone.

“Don’t be cryptic.”

Mercer’s lips hiked. “Believe it or not, that’s his actual name. Harrison Karma.”

“I bet he was bullied in school.”

“Well, maybe that’s what makes him so unhinged these days.”

The roughness from the worsening weather rocked the plane, and I literally groaned in terror, squeezing the leather armrest and Mercer’s shoulder until my fingertips turned white.

Calmly, he sat, his fingers drawing patterns on my skin until the turbulence passed.

With the plane steady, his seat belt was unfastened, along with my own, and I was settled in his lap.

“You need new friends.”

“Damiano was not my friend. And he should never have touched you. I should have been more cautious. I knew who he was.”

“I don’t blame you.”

“I blame me. It’s on my list of reasons why I’ll never be good enough for you.”

“You’ve got a list, too? Interesting.” Pushing out a laugh, I hoped to lighten the mood.

He humored me with a smile, this one sexy and much less satirical.

“I love you,” he said with actual words, trusting me to hear his real voice.

And just like every other rare time he did that, it made my heart leap in my chest.

My fingers moved over his stubble and the golden glow of his cheeks, and I smiled. “That’s on my list. My list of reasons why you are good enough for me. There’s no one else I’d rather be with.”

“Me, either.”

My heart almost burst.

“So, I guess we’ll need a place out here.”

He nodded.

“And will this new place have paints?”

“So many walls for you to decorate. So many colors.”

“Well, in that case, I love you, too.” I placed a kiss on his lips, breaking off when the plane shook again, dropping slightly in height. That heart that almost burst definitely plummeted, and I scanned the floor, seeing nothing but Mercer’s legs rock as he tried to comfort me.

I shook with terror as my words fumbled to get out of my mouth with a stammer. “Maybe we should buckle up...just in case.”

I expected to be placed in my seat, his long fingers fastening my belt before doing his own, but his fingers only moved on the keypad.