Maybe I should have stayed with Trix and Ethan...and Trouble, where I actually felt wanted.

Sucking in a breath, the air around me felt shallow, like my lungs couldn’t get enough of it.

The gray clouds called to me again, the lightning in the distance catching my eye and pulling me away from his fingers as they moved.

“But I’m glad you did. I’m glad you braved the flight for me. It would be so lonely down in Georgia without you.”

“I thought you didn’t want me to come?”

I knew he didn’t. At first, he refused to tolerate even the idea of it and refused to tell me why.

That did nothing but invite a flurry of cruel thoughts into my head.

He only caved slightly, giving my argument wiggle room after a chat with Ethan.

Something flashed in his eyes, softening his icy stare as his eyes dropped to my lips, staying there, fixed there, on me, while his fingers moved again.

The tiny speaker on his lapel sounded words again. “At first, I didn’t.” Finding my stare, he continued. “I was terrified to travel with someone again after what happened last time.”


“I was afraid that something would happen to you, and if I get the new job, I wouldn’t be there to protect you.”

“I don’t need you to monitor me constantly.”

“No, but I need that. I need to know you’re okay at all times.”

“That’s going to interfere with your work.”

“No, it won’t. I won’t be taking this job unless I can keep you with me.”

“I don’t think any hospital is going to agree to that.”

“It’s not a regular hospital.”

He’d already told me that. He’d told me that he’d applied for a job in Georgia after a conversation with Trix about converting half of the house into a medical facility had gone south. Following recent events and the awful thing that happened to me, she only wanted family at the home. He understood...and, after little thought, agreed. That sent him digging only god knew where for places he could put his skills to use, and he found a rehabilitation center for victims of the most awful crimes. For the girls like Chandelle, who were taken against their will, and the boys, too. Sold for their bodies and organs.

“How did you even find this place?” I glanced down at the unmovable armrest between us, hating its presence as turbulence rocked the plane.

I swallowed my fear or tried to, and closed my eyes to stop the tears from falling.

I fucking hated flying.

Almost as much as I hated the idea of three or four days a week without seeing Mercer, only hearing a robotic voice on calls he’d probably fall asleep on after working such long hours.

A tender squeeze along my hip encouraged my eyes to open, finding Mercer closer to me. His suit welcomed my tears as he pulled me into him, his arms and scent wrapping around me.

Hearing only the storm, I hid my ears against his chest and arms.

“I am a nervous flyer.”

He didn’t reply but kissed my head, leaving his lips to dwell where dozens of new hairs lightly stabbed into them.

Minutes trickled away, the journey getting shorter.

He tipped my chin, angling his own until his lips brushed mine.

“You didn’t tell me how you found the place.”