He changed his mind about leaving that message. His body pressed into mine as he leaned over me to collect it, scrunching it into a pants pocket. He smelled like an erotic dream, sweet tonka melting into creamy sandalwood.

I breathed him in.

The scent of him intensified as he unbuttoned the black shirt clinging to his body, losing it to the floor when the last button popped through a tiny hole.

My side-eyeing of him caused strain, but I didn’t look away as he pulled down his pants and kicked them and his shoes off.

His warmth wrapped around me, stiff muscles close. He breathed me in, taking in the mango scent fading from my hair. He hardened against my leg, and I had no idea until he indicated it by rocking his hips into me once.

Full lips pressed against my jaw, and my breathing hiked in response.

He stopped dead, pulling his lips away but moving his eyes closer. And, I, again, became the world’s best actress.

The mattress cushioned him as he rolled away. He lay there, staring at the ceiling. Long fingers pushed dark hair back and clung onto it in frustration. He had so much to say in the darkness, where no one could hear, but he wouldn’t—couldn’t—voice it.

I felt his gaze caress me again, the coldness of his icy blue eyes making my nipples pebble beneath the sheets. I wanted to know what he would do if he saw them. I discreetly shifted, causing the blankets to move down and away from my body. He froze, checking again to see if I was awake.

His boxer briefs were tented. His erection sprung from nowhere, lifting the waistband from his tanned Adonis belt.

His fingers rubbed over his crotch, his eyes on the rise and fall of my chest, hurt me...because it was her he wanted...the part of her I housed.

He pulled himself free, and my mouth fell open, a gasp rushing out. His head angled, checking my closed eyes again. Content with me being asleep, his fingers stayed at his cock, now free from its cotton prison.

My heart—his girl’s heart—raced to the rhythm of his fingers as they moved up and down his long length. Moonlight and some outdoor lamps granted a little light, allowing me to see his hand work his shaft.

Discomfort settled inside me, only there because my mind reminded me it wasn’t me he wanted...

And then his gaze lifted, stopping on my face...on the o-shape of my open mouth.

And that was all it took for my mind to be changed.

I wanted more. I wanted him.

I turned my neck, wanting no more of the nasty strain on my eyes. He reeled back, his body tensing, his mind racing to catch up with the excuses he didn’t plan.

But he didn’t need any. My head stayed lulled, and my eyes stayed dipped, angled low, perfectly in line with his cock and the little bead of precum shining in the moonlight. His thumb smeared it in over thousands of nerve endings. He made a noise—a moan, and my back arched.

His hand brushed up my leg, thinking I couldn’t feel it. I couldn’t, but I secretly watched and fantasized what it would feel like as he moved closer to my panties, wettened by my swollen pussy.


I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t. I tried.

I failed.

What would I do if she woke up? I wondered, fingers trailing up her leg, pushing up her silky nightdress. I wished I could just say, you’re fucking mine, and I can do what the fuck I want with you. But that wouldn’t go over well and had me convinced I’d be the one working tomorrow with a black eye until…

Dampness kissed my fingertips, her panties soaked and stuck to her. A sleeping woman shouldn’t be so affected. I caressed her puffy pussy lips once, twice, three times, and her hand clasped around mine, holding me close, making sure I didn’t stop.

Pretty eyes fluttered open, lashes tickling my cheek because I moved in so fucking close. She stared up at me. No venomous questions left her lips, just little moans of want, of need, and of pleasure. Her eyes spoke the same language, a little desperation shining in the pretty flecks.

She looked like she would beg any second for it, and fuck, if she did, I’d be done for.

I’d fuck her all night.

Her mouth with my tongue, her tight cunt with my fingers and cock.

I rubbed her pussy harder, and she was licking her bottom lip and then biting it to keep in a moan.