Two of his fingers lifted my chin, making the robotic voice that talked at that exact moment seep deeper into my ears.

“Your time will begin shortly. You’ll have no more than fifteen minutes.” There was an odd sounding click through the speaker, then more words. “Don’t feel put off by your audience.”

I didn’t. The creep watched everything anyway. Mercer felt differently. His tense body was hot and cold, the drawings on his chest glistening with a cold sweat. His questioning expression brought forth new lines on his face. He put me on edge. Not the man who forced us to do these things, him, because of his reaction.

My tongue moved in my mouth, trying to push away the instant dryness. “Wha...” I choked, trying to ask what was bothering him.

I never finished that question, the heavy door opening and interrupting me. Footsteps moved in the room, and the door closed. One painted face looked to the other. Their true expressions were hidden by cracking green paint.

I swallowed hard, the lump in my throat painful...and still there when the saliva passed, not allowing my words and fear to come out.

I shook my head, praying Mercer would see my silent worries.

I can’t do this.

His eyes moved to the men. They stood on either side of us. The one facing me looked far more menacing as his pink tongue licked his green lips like some kind of scaled reptile.

He stared me down, causing me to melt into Mercer’s lap, and in that very moment, I knew the center of this room would become the place where I would hand over my virginity...because what choice did I have?


They were in here.

Fucking creeps.

They shouldn’t be in here, watching us, this, all that was about to happen.

I couldn’t wipe the irritation from my face, and I'd tried to for the brief seconds where my hands left Feebee’s trembling body. She was scared. Each and every tear spoke of her fear. A graphic story no one would want to read

I rubbed her arms, not taking in the words that left her mouth in a splintered sentence. My fingers weaved through her hair, and she leaned into me.

“Please,” she silently begged. For what, I didn’t know. Her head shook when I didn’t answer, her stare still pleading as her mouth opened to breathe.

“We can do this,” I mouthed.


Mercer twisted us around, his body descending over mine as he set me on the ground and settled between my open legs. My fingertips massaged him with gratitude for facing my naughty bits away from the direct view of the hungry pervert, who had now sucked the paint from his thin lips.

My head still shook, and Mercer’s hand was still smoothing out the knots and frizz that I had caused. I invaded his space, my fingers clutching at random hairs as my stress levels rose uncomfortably.

Again, Mercer stopped me. Gentle fingers wrapped around my wrists, taking them to my sides.

He kissed just next to my lips, making me cold all over. My hands gripped his face, my nerves needing another kiss to settle.

But it didn’t work.

My wild eyes moved from side to side, examining the men. One looked like he had so many better places to be. With the bulge growing in his pants, the other looked like he wanted to push Mercer out of the way and show him how it was done.

I couldn’t let that happen.

My hands started wandering over Mercer’s chest, then down to the waistband of his pants. My nervous fingers struggled with the button until he helped me, popping it free. I licked my lips, giving him an invitation to kiss me that he accepted.

My nerves tasted ugly in his mouth.

His lips and gaze left me, moving to the horny creep.

I wrapped a sweaty hand around his, stealing his attention for a few seconds. Heavy breaths escaped me, filling the air with all the tension I felt. I waited for the walls to crack with it, breathing a little harder when they fucking didn’t.