Page 55 of Broken Resolve

Giulia was staring at him when he glanced up.

“Try to get some sleep,” he said, turning toward the door. “I’m going to make another round.” He exited before she could offer him a cup of the coffee she’d been brewing.

The soldiers tapered off long before he reached Vespa’s hallway. No one was near enough to see him there, much less to protect her. It had him scowling as he opened her door.

Vespa fumbled with her phone, and it clattered as it hit the edge of the nightstand before dropping to the floor.

Antonio’s own phone vibrated. He fished it out again, less than impressed with her shorthand for ‘never mind.’ He’d gotten two more letters from her.

“Sending that other text was a mistake,” she said. “I’d written it last night but not sent it and accidentally hit ‘Send’ instead of deleting it tonight.”

The idea that she’d almost sent it the night before threatened to derail him. Her confession also meant she’d had her messages up, more specifically her barely legible messages with him. “Do you want me here, Vespa?”

Her eyes dropped to the bedspread. “I shouldn’t. One of the men might have seen you.”

It wasn’t a ‘no.’ Antonio closed the door behind him. “No one saw me.” Which kind of pissed him off. Sure, Vespa was the enforcer, but she was less than up to knocking heads together at the moment. and she deserved protection.

“Well, then…” Vespa stared holes into the blankets covering her body.

Antonio crossed to her. “Why aren’t you asleep? After the day you’ve had, you should be passed out.”

“My brain won’t shut up.” Her head lifted, and her expression looked angry and defiant. “I want you to blow all the thoughts away. With, you know, sex.”

Antonio felt a sliver of interest as he reached her side and told himself to tamp it down. “You can’t be serious.”

Vespa gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I’m not up for something kinky. I’m too tired to be in charge, and my head is pounding too much to bounce around, and my face aches like a bitch.”

He leaned down, brushing his lips over the one edge of her mouth that wasn’t swollen. “A booty call isn’t in the cards.”

“How about a booty lick, then?”

Antonio blinked at her, his lips twitching.

“Well, not literally!” she snapped. “I don’t want you to lick my ass, but it’s not like the fuckers today punched my clit. It might be up for some action, and the way I felt when you were down there last time, all floaty and shit, I could use a bit of that.”

Antonio no longer had the urge to smirk. His gaze fell to the blankets as he considered giving in to her request. For her sake. Not because he wanted to make her fall apart and sob his name.

She blew out a breath. “You’re right. This is stupid. And it’s not like you’d get anything out of it. I—”

“Order me to do it,” he said, his tone hard.

She blinked at him. “What?”

Antonio tugged on the covers, and she let him drag them down. She was still wearing the black thong he’d left on when he’d stripped her. His fingers traced the edges at her hips before meeting her eyes.

“Order me to suck your clit until you come so hard that all your thoughts leak out of your mind. Order me to make you orgasm until you’re exhausted enough to sleep.”

“Fuck,” Vespa groaned out. “Yes, do that. Make me come, Antonio.”

He dragged her underwear down her legs, then crawled up between them. She had bruises there, marking her gorgeous, muscled thighs, and he brushed a kiss above a darkening, green one. Her thighs shifted open, giving him a view of her cunt.

It wasn’t anywhere near drenched, and her clit remained hidden beneath the hood. His eyes flashed to her face. “Are you sure about this?” His thumb slid across her dry slit in a soft caress. “You’re not turned on at all, Ves.”

Her eyes squeezed shut. “I told you, my brain is all jumbled with shit. Just shut up and make it stop.”

He moved his hand to the hood of her clit, stroking in invitation. A shiver ran over her stomach, and her body relaxed into the mattress. Her eyes weren’t closed anymore. They were fixed on him.

He dipped his head and used his tongue on her. He didn’t tease her. No, he flicked his tongue over her budding clit in fast strokes and was rewarded when her good hand clenched on the bottom sheet.