Page 90 of Broken Resolve

“Our choice not to go after Luka broke something in her.” Nera frowned. “She comes over, but it’s not the same. She’s distant.”

“For her, Luka was family. For me too.” Giovanni’s dark blue eyes pinned Antonio. “What about the Coronellas? Are they family?”

Antonio wanted to answer ‘yes.’ Giovanni continued to hold Nera; they looked perfect together. Watching them like that, he couldn’t put Vespa’s safety over theirs.

“No,” he said.

Giovanni’s eyes narrowed.

Antonio forced himself to relax in his chair. “Tomorrow I’ll call Barone. His marriage offer might be the best path forward.”

Enzo’s head snapped up. He stomped forward, leaning over Antonio. “Stop acting like a cold prick!”

After the insult, Antonio’s fake smile became easier to wear. “But that’s what I am.”

Giovanni squeezed Nera before releasing her. “Let me talk to my brother alone.”

Enzo switched his glare to him before sighing and holding out a hand to Nera. “Come on, doll. Let’s leave these idiots to it.”

Nera studied Antonio’s face before turning to kiss Giovanni lightly on the mouth. “I don’t like the tone in this room tonight. Please talk some sense into him.”

Neither looked back as Enzo escorted her from the room.

Antonio blinked as he turned to face his brother. Giovanni was openly scowling at him. Being with Nera certainly had changed him.

“If you repeat shit like you just said again,” he began, “you’re out as consigliere.”

Antonio shook his head. “You said it yourself. I excel as consigliere.”

“This isn’t best for you,” Giovanni said.

Antonio needed a hit of nicotine. He didn’t deserve what was best. Not after all he’d done. “Barone’s offer is worth considering.”

Giovanni’s scowl only deepened. “Fine. You’re out.”

Antonio glared at him. “Stop fucking around, Gio.”

“We’ll make it very public.”

Panic skittered inside him. “No. Do whatever you want, but I’m staying with you. You come first for me. You always will.”

Giovanni’s hand shot out, gripping Antonio’s jaw. His fingers dug into his cheeks. “That’s the problem. When will you put yourself first?”

Antonio shook his head despite the tight grip.

“Go to her, Antonio,” Giovanni urged. “It doesn’t have to be as a Di Salvo. You don’t need the family’s backing. Just having you would be enough.” He let go. “I should know.”

The desire was there. More than there. It was like the longer he stayed on the Di Salvo estate, the more of himself he lost, which made no sense at all. Everything that mattered to him was on the estate.

Everything except for Vespa.

“At least talk to her one more time,” Giovanni said. “You both deserve that.”

Antonio remembered the way her expression had gone defensive at the restaurant. The thought of their last conversation festering allowed him to shove to his feet. “I wish you’d go back to shutting up,” he muttered to his brother.

Giovanni smirked. “Make better choices, and I will.”

“I’ll go,” Antonio agreed, the hollowness in his chest receding already. “To talk. And then I’m coming back here.”