Page 41 of Broken Resolve

Vespa shrugged and reached under her jacket, though there was no reason to check on her guns. Her eyes followed Barone. “Is what usual?”

“His interest in you.”

Montrell considered the question. “He always acknowledges her, but Vespa tends to stand out when she’s the only woman in the room.” His gaze moved to his wife. “That’s beginning to change.”

“No, it didn’t seem…” Beatrice trailed off as her eyes latched onto her father, who was trying to glare a hole through her. “I should speak with him,” she murmured, patting Montrell’s arm as she strode to the corner.

Montrell stiffened to the point that he could only focus on one thing while his wife was away from his side.

He didn’t need to worry. Beatrice would know exactly what to say to her father. It was another thing Vespa admired about her.

Even so, Vespa expected Montrell’s diverted attention and kept her gaze moving. Her eyes paused on Antonio because his own flicked to Barone more than once, and his smile was a little brittle around the edges.

He didn’t seem to trust the man.

The meeting continued, and the business went well, to Vespa’s annoyance. Beatrice made her father quiver and shrink when she called him out in front of the others. Lucchese deserved it if he’d really been behind the hit at the docks. She did it in a way that strengthened the Coronellas’ seat at the table. Barone wasn’t the only one paying her more attention, and that was before Montrell announced his wife was his consigliere.

He’d brought it up to Vespa before the meeting, and she’d been all for it. While it was easy for Montrell to be liked, despite his intimidating size, not much about his interactions with the other families was formal enough. They’d rocked along over the years, but Beatrice would be better at setting boundaries and making clear lines in any alliance. She’d been born to be a consigliere, just as Antonio had. They both looked at the interactions with cynical detachment as they schemed.

Vespa’s stomach fluttered as she realized both she and Montrell were attracted to similar people. No wonder they’d never been attracted to each other. They were way too much alike.

Vespa was harder, though. She’d kill and ask questions later if something looked fishy.

It was just too bad there weren’t two of her. When Beatrice made individual business rounds after the meeting, Vespa felt irritated as she left Montrell’s side to add a little muscle over her new consigliere’s shoulder.

Rossi was as annoying as always with his whining voice that she tried to tune out as he suggested a business deal. Vespa let Beatrice handle it.

Barone approached with a similar offer. Beatrice seemed distracted, so Vespa bumped her arm a little. Barone’s dark eyes flicked to her again, making her stomach clench in a weird way as he set up a future meeting with Beatrice.

Great. Vespa really was going to be run ragged. She began to wonder how to best juggle being in two places at once when Barone addressed her.

“And you’ll be present for this meeting as well, Vespa?”

She gave a firm nod, tilting her head. “That a problem?”

“Not at all.” Leandro Barone smoothed a hand down his immaculate jacket. “I wasn’t insincere earlier. Your reputation precedes you.” He smiled at Beatrice. “I’m certain that the Coronellas appreciate your loyalty. You guarantee their safety and will continue to do so for as long as you’re alive.”

“Damn straight,” Vespa said, her fingers twitching at her sides.

At least Barone didn’t linger. Antonio was in front of her then, but she didn’t let that distract her from watching the older Mafia don leave.

Now that it was only Di Salvos and Coronellas present, Antonio’s smile turned into the normal, hard, teasing one he’d shown her even before they’d gotten horizontal. “Will you be looking after Beatrice as well?” At her brief nod, his smile settled into his teasing one. “Maybe her style will rub off on you.”

After her freakout over the dress the night before, his words felt like a blow. She grimaced before muttering, “I don’t need style to kill you.”

Beatrice excused herself, making a beeline for Montrell, which would have been cute if Vespa wasn’t still feeling like her chest was in a vise.

Antonio turned his back on the rest of the room, and his fake smile fell. “I didn’t mean style the way you’re thinking. I admire the way Beatrice fences with words.” His eyes focused on hers. “Though you don’t need that. I doubt I’d win were you to target me.”

She still felt all squirrelly inside. “Your flattery is wasted on me.”

“It’s not flattery. You’re lethal, Vespa.” His gaze shifted to the open doorway of the conference room. “I’m not the only one to notice that.”

She folded her arms and sighed. “Sure. Everyone in the families is scared of me.”

He frowned at her. “I’m not talking about everyone. Tell me you caught Barone’s veiled threat.”

Her eyes moved to Montrell and Beatrice, finding them leaning into each other. “I’m not dumb, but I don’t think that was about me. He’s always been less than impressed by the Coronellas.” She chewed on her lip as she considered it. “I can see him targeting us.”