Page 10 of Someone You Love

Bryce’s eyebrows dip down, like he isn’t sure if I’m in my right mind.

To be honest, I’m not sure at the moment either.

My anxious stomach twists into another knot. Say something! Think of some more rules.

My eyes fall to his broad shoulders, then down his sculpted arms, continuing south in a slow perusal of his body. I can’t believe I’m living with this enormous beast of a man. An attractive man. Not that it matters what he looks like. I’m living with a stranger regardless of his appearance. But his body is ...

My eyes snap up to his. “Do you sleep naked? Because that’s gonna be a problem.”

Bryce sputters. “How is my sleep attire any concern of yours?”

“I only saw one bathroom. If I wander out of bed in the middle of the night, I need to know I won’t bump into any of your manly swinging parts in the hallway.”

“Manly swinging parts?”

“Speaking of naked, are you dating anyone?”

His chin jerks back. “Again, none of your business.”

“Hmm. Well, if you plan on bringing women back to the house, just let me know and I’ll make myself scarce.”

“There won’t be any women coming back to the house.”

“Oh, men then?”

“No!” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?”

I shrug. “Just trying to cover all the bases so I don’t make you uncomfortable in your own home.”

“Too late.”

I grimace. “I’m sorry. I don’t do well with awkward situations like this.”

“Just stay out of my room, and we’ll be fine.” His jaw clenches, and he looks off to the left. “And you can’t bring anyone back here either. I don’t want anyone in my house.”

I nod. “I won’t. That’s not why I’m here.” Sadness tips the corners of my mouth. “I was supposed to come here with my mother, you know. We planned the trip after she was told she’d only have a year left to live. But she didn’t make it past seven months. I came here for her.”

The skin around his eyes tightens. “I’m sorry.”

I bite my bottom lip to keep my mouth from opening, and oversharing the grim details of my mother’s death. I’ve rambled enough for one day.

But I don’t have to worry about saying anything more, because Bryce turns around and walks right out of his house as if we’re done with the conversation.

Living together will be ... interesting.


“How did it go after I left?”

I glance over my shoulder and arch an eyebrow at Nana before returning to the sheetrock in front of me.

“Ah, come on.” Nana waltzes into the room, and lowers herself onto the edge of the mattress. “She’s a sweet girl.”

“She’s chatty.”

Nana cackles. “No, my boy. You’re just anti-social.”

“I’m not anti-social.” I glare out the broken window. “I just like being alone.”