Page 79 of Someone You Love

Beatrice claps. “I love that idea. I think everyone should have a bucket list. We’re all dying, aren’t we?”

I laugh. “I suppose we are.”

She pats my hand, and pushes to her feet. “I’m going to start setting up the chairs out by the pool.”

“I’ll be out in a few minutes to help. Wait until you see how beautiful the gazebo looks with the flowers around it.”

Beatrice rubs her palms together. “I love weddings.”

Two of the guests staying at the inn are getting married on the grounds today. It’s a small, intimate party of ten, and I spent the day yesterday preparing trays of baked clams, shrimp scampi, lobster tails, and king crab legs with Bryce and Beatrice. A local band is coming to play for them, and we’ve set up a small wooden dancefloor on the patio next to the pool.

Before I head out with Beatrice, I tear out a blank piece of paper from my journal. At the top of the page, I write:

Charly’s Bucket List

1. Go skydiving

2. Learn how to rock climb

3. Catch a fish

4. Visit the Grand Canyon

5. Travel to Hawaii

6. Do something with my business degree

I scribble down the first few ideas that pop into my mind, and then spend the rest of the morning daydreaming about the things I want to do with my life.

Bryce’s face shows up in all of them.

I see Bryce teaching me how to catch a fish, and teasing me about snakes lurking near the Grand Canyon.

I see us on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii, and then making love in the hotel room.

I see myself running my own business, and Bryce supporting me every step of the way.

I can see it all so clearly.

But how? How is it possible to see such an uncertain future with someone I’ve only known for a couple of months?

My heart pulses a steady rhythm in my chest, like it’s trying to send me a message in Morse code.

“Hi, gorgeous.”

My shoulders jump as I gasp. “Bryce, you scared the crap out of me.”

He grins as he leans down, and presses his warm lips against mine. “That’s because you’ve had your nose in your journal all day. You must be writing something good.”

I grip the collar of his T-shirt and pull him back for another kiss. “Have I ever told you how sexy you look when you’re covered in dirt?”

“Guess it’s good I’m always covered in dirt.” He lowers himself onto the corner of my bed. “Everything looks beautiful outside. You and Nana did a fantastic job decorating.”

I smile. “I’m so excited we get to watch them get married. It’s like we’re crashing the wedding, but not.”

“Some people have such grand, elaborate weddings, and they spend so much money. My parents got married here. They invited their closest friends and family members. Dad and the groomsmen wore Hawaiian shirts, and my grandfather barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone. Mom said she didn’t need a big expensive party to prove her love for my father.”

“I think I’d like something like that too.” I rest my head on his shoulder. “Your parents sound like they were so in love.”