Page 50 of Someone You Love

“I feel happy. I really love it here, Jen.”

She lifts an eyebrow. “And does this happiness have anything to do with a certain tall, hairy roommate?”

“There’s nothing wrong with enjoying someone’s company.”

“I didn’t say there’s anything wrong with it. I’m thrilled you’re having a blast.” She pouts. “Even if it’s without me.”

“I miss you too. How’s everything at the diner?”

“Fine.” She rolls her eyes. “Stu is getting better, I guess.”

“Good. See, all you needed to do was have a little patience.”

She waves a dramatic hand. “Have you met me? Patience is not in my list of virtues.”

“I know, I know. I signed up for Rumba lessons today.” My eyes roam the coffee shop. “I started crying when the owner asked me if I’d be bringing a partner. As much fun as I’m having here, I keep going back to the fact that Mom isn’t with me.”

“I know, babe. Just keep reminding yourself that you’re doing this for her. She wouldn’t want you to be sad.”

I take a swig of my iced coffee. “Do you think it’s too soon to have feelings for Bryce?”

Her eyebrows lift. “What kind of feelings? The naughty I want to ride you like a bronco kind, or actual feelings?”

I giggle, glancing around to make sure I’m not being too loud. “The bronco-riding feelings are definitely present. But it’s more than that. I ... I like him. I like being around him, and talking to him.”

Jenny nods. “Well, you’ve been there for a few weeks now, and you’ve spent every day together because you’re living together. I think it’s normal to like someone you’re getting to know.”

“But ...?”

“But I worry about you spending so much time with him. It’s going to make things harder when you leave at the end of your stay.”

I frown, toying with the straw in my cup. “You’re right.”

“I’m not trying to poo-poo this idea.” She props her chin up with her knuckles. “If you two hit it off, it’s not like you live on opposite sides of the world. You could make it work.”

I grin imagining the big mountain man in the big city.

“You’re supposed to be seizing life by the balls, right? Why not live in the moment, and experience everything that Maine has to offer? If you like Bryce, then go with it. You’re not running off to get married, or doing anything crazy. I think it’s good for you to put yourself out there, especially after everything you went through with Greg.”

“You sound like my mother.”

She grins. “You know she’d tell you to enjoy what you have while you have it.”

She would.

Jenny glances over her shoulder. “Okay, boo. Gotta go. Rob is taking me out to dinner tonight, and I promised him I wouldn’t be late, which means I have to start showering now.”

“You’re the only one I know who needs three hours to get ready for dinner. I can’t wait to see how long it takes on your wedding day.”

“Can’t start the wedding without the bride, so everyone will have no choice but to wait.”

I tilt my head back as I laugh. “Love you. Have fun.”

“You too.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “Have lots and lots of fun.”

Yeah, I know exactly what kind of fun she’s referring to.

Edward bounds toward me when I get back to Bryce’s house.