Page 108 of Someone You Love

“Of course he is.” She rolls her eyes. “Men suck.”

My mind drifts to Bryce for the millionth time today. “Not all men suck.”

Jenny frowns. “I’m sorry about Bryce.”

“Me too.”

Me too.


“Char, they’re here. I’m buzzing them up.”

My stomach roils. “Almost finished.”

I place the curling iron on the counter, and stare at my reflection in the mirror while I go through the logical thoughts once more.

My makeup is perfect, and my hair came out great.

Beatrice is bringing the gown, and my journal.

Anthony will look handsome, as always.

We’re going to a charity event for a great cause.

There will be music, and dancing, and five-star food.

I’ll have a nice time.

So, why do I feel so sick to my stomach over this?

Muffled voices float down the hallway. I inhale through my nose, and my eyes flutter closed for a brief moment. “You can do this, Charly.”

I tighten my robe around my midsection, and force a smile onto my face as I waltz into the living room.

Beatrice spreads her arms wide. “Hello, my dear.”

I all but fling myself into her embrace, and squeeze her tight. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you.”

“You look beautiful.” I step back, holding her at arm’s length. “I knew this coral color would look fantastic on you.”

“I miss my shopping partner.” Her eyes sparkle. “We should hit up the stores while I’m in town for the weekend. I’ve always wanted to shop in Manhattan like Carrie Bradshaw.”

Anthony’s face screws up in disgust. “I’m going to ignore the fact that you know that reference.”

I cackle, and turn my attention to him. “You clean up nicely, don’t you, quarterback?”

He winks, and dips down to peck my cheek. “I do everything nicely.”

I roll my eyes, and steal a glance at Jenny. “You remember my best friend, Jenny.”

Anthony grins. “Of course. How could I forget the woman who doused me in soft drinks?”

She plants her hands on her hips. “I thought you were someone else.”

“Lucky for you, you got me instead.”