Page 73 of Someone You Love

You were right about Greg. I don’t know why I didn’t see it sooner. Or maybe I did, but I was just afraid of the truth. I pretend like Dad leaving didn’t bother me because I was so young, but it affected me in ways I didn’t see coming. I stayed with Greg because it was simple. Safe. I knew what to expect. He consistently disappointed me, and I knew he would, so I let him. I felt like Dad couldn’t love me the way I wanted him to love me, so I chose a partner who made me feel the same way.

But Bryce keeps surprising me. He does things for me—for me, without any ulterior motives. He helps me, and cares for me. He makes me feel like I’ve never felt before. And that scares me. Now that I have him in my life, I don’t want to lose him.

I don’t want him to leave the way Dad did.

Bryce leans over my shoulder, and kisses my bare skin there. “Writing about your day?”

“I am.” I flip the journal closed, and roll onto my back, gazing up at the white cotton candy clouds moving over us. “Do you ever feel sad you can’t do things like this?” I gesture to the people on jet skis zipping through the water. “Does it get you down?”

Bryce lies on his back beside me on the towel, and Edward curls up between his legs. “It used to. I was bitter for a while in the beginning. But it took time to adjust to my new life.”

I lace my fingers together on my stomach. “I went to grief counseling after finding out my mother had a year left to live. It helped. But I think maybe I should go back to therapy, and talk about my dad. I’ve been carrying around this weight my entire life, and I want to let it go. I want to let go of the way he made me feel when he left. I don’t want to live my life making decisions from that place of hurt, and betrayal.”

“I think you should go.” He twirls a strand of my hair around his finger. “You’re too amazing to be walking around thinking you’re not good enough to stick around for.” He leans in and kisses me, but pulls back too soon. “I have to ask you something.”

I prop myself up on my elbow. “Anything.”

“Would you want to come to the charity event with me in September? Be my plus one?”

Excitement shoots through me. “Of course. I’d love to.”

“Okay, good.” He grins. “Because Nana wants to take you dress shopping.”

I didn’t realize Beatrice wanted to take me dress shopping tonight.

The woman loves any excuse to buy something new.

“Have you been to an event like this before?” I run my fingertips over the silky fabric of a red gown. “Are they really this fancy?”

Beatrice nods. “I’ve been to a few in my day. Nothing as big as an NFL charity gala, of course.” She squeezes my hand. “I’m thrilled you’ve convinced Bryce to attend.”

“I really didn’t do anything. He came to the decision on his own.”

“He’s been different since you came here, Charly. Don’t dismiss the impact you’ve had on him.” She squeezes my hand. “I love seeing how happy he is lately, and I’m no fool. I know it’s all thanks to you.”

My cheeks heat. “We’ve really been enjoying each other’s company.”

“It’s fate, you know. You coming here, of all places. Then the storm blowing that tree through your room.”

“I think that was just a coincidence.”

She arches her penciled eyebrow. “You don’t believe in fate?”

“I don’t know.” I walk over to the next rack, and flip through the hangers. “It’s hard to believe this is all orchestrated by a higher being. I think maybe things just happen because they happen. Why does there have to be a reason?”

“Ah.” Beatrice taps her cane against the floor. “You’re a realist.”

“If everything happens for a reason, then what’s the reason my mom got sick and died so young? Why did my father have to get hooked on drugs, and abandon his family? Why did Bryce have to lose football when he loved it so much?” My hand smacks against my thigh. “What if people need to pretend like it’s all for some higher purpose just to make themselves feel better?”

Beatrice pauses, pondering her response before answering. “The truth is, no one really knows for sure. But what are the odds of finding someone you connect with, out of millions of people on this planet—especially one your age, who’s single, and you both find each other attractive?” She huffs out a laugh. “Sounds like external forces are at work to me.”

“It does seem like a long shot.”

“That’s because it is, my dear.” Beatrice taps her fingers against her lips as she stares at a row of dresses. She reaches forward, and lifts a yellow dress off the rack. Her eyes light up. “This. You have to try this on.”

Aside from the flashy color, I notice the price tag right away. “This is a little out of my price range.”

Beatrice clicks her tongue. “Don’t you worry about the price. You’ve been cooking and helping out at the inn when this is supposed to be your vacation. You’ve earned this dress. Consider it a paycheck.”