Page 67 of Someone You Love

“It shows how much he cares about you, if he knew the consequences and he took you anyway.” She pauses. “How are you feeling? You said yourself how hard it will be to leave once the summer is over.”

I scratch behind Edward’s ears. “I don’t know. It happened, and now I don’t want to stop. But I don’t know what’s going to come of this once I go back home. I’m going to try to take it one day at a time.”

“That’s good, Char. Live in the present. Nothing wrong with that.”

Nothing, except the future looms over me like an impending storm.

I say goodbye to Jenny, and take Edward on an extra-long morning walk. Nana said he was a nervous wreck without me this weekend, pacing around the inn, and jumping every time the door would open.

It makes me wonder what he’ll feel like when I go back to New York. There’s a strict no-dogs-allowed rule in my apartment complex, and the rent is so cheap, I’d be crazy to give that up and move somewhere else. He’s yet another thing I’ll have to leave behind at Sunnyside.

“Tell me to stop thinking, Edward.”

He looks up at me with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth as he trots beside me.

“You’re such a good boy, you know that?”

He lets out a grunt, and I pretend it means, Yes, Mom.

I pop into the inn on our way back, and help Beatrice with breakfast.

“I missed you this weekend.” She squeezes my arm. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself when you leave us.”

Sadness punches my gut again. Seems to be the theme of the morning.

“How’s my boy feeling today?”

I whisk the eggs in a large bowl. “He’s still sleeping. I’m going to bring him breakfast after we serve the guests, and see if he needs anything.”

“I’m glad he’s letting you take care of him.” She glances out the window above the sink. “I worry he’s alone too much. It’s been wonderful to see him with you.”

Unsure of what to say, I land on, “Your grandson is incredible.”

Her blue eyes sparkle with pride. “And so are you, my dear.”

After we serve the guests, I bring a plate of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon to Bryce.

His room is dim, his blinds still drawn. I edge closer, and his scent of cedar surrounds me. He’s sprawled out in the middle of his mattress, face down like a chalk outline, with the sheets pushed to the side. As big as his bed is, his legs still reach the bottom of it.

I hold Edward back from jumping on top of him.

Bryce turns his head to face me, and his eyes are like road maps with deep-purple semi-circles tinting his skin underneath them. “Good morning, beautiful.”

“Hi, handsome.”

Edward’s tail swats against my leg, and Bryce grins. “Hey, buddy. I see you too.”

Like he was shot out of a cannon, Edward leaps onto the bed, getting right in Bryce’s face and licking him.

I laugh. “Easy, boy. Easy.”

Edward spins in a circle, and plops down against Bryce’s side, resting his head on Bryce’s shoulder.

“Best dog ever.” Bryce’s eyes lift to mine. “How are you?”

I lower myself onto the edge of the bed. “I’m fine. Brought you some breakfast.”

He laces our fingers together. “Thank you.”