“I still feel like I stole Liam’s thunder,” I say to Madison. She’s rocking her one-year-old on her shoulder, but he’s fighting sleep with everything he has. He isn’t to be blamed for that. The day has been filled with activity, and Em and Becca are splashing in the shallow end of the pool.

“At least li’l James waited until after the smash cake to decide to make his entrance! He’s so polite.”

I laugh. My contractions had kicked in just as I had snapped the most amazing photo of Liam’s fistful of cake going into his wide-open mouth. Our boys share a birthday.

Jamie is a very polite baby. He’s been sleeping through the night since he was two weeks old, and he rarely cries. Of course, that could be the massive number of people picking him up at every gurgle.

Right now, he’s tummy down across Trev’s very tight abs with his head up, seeming to watch the pool play, although I’m not sure how good his focus is. Trevor’s hand rests securely on his back.

Cami’s cousin, Cherie, is keeping Trev entertained under the umbrella with a story accompanied by animated hand movements. She’s been coming to town a lot lately, and I’m hoping she stays. She fits into our group so well with her quick wit, fun travel stories, and adventurous spirit. Trevor looks at her like he might want her to stay, too.

“Ladies,” James gives a gallant bow in front of us with his arms extended. He’s holding a frothy beverage in each hand. “Looking a little dry there.” We welcome the drinks, and he plants a solid kiss on my mouth.

“Thank you, husband,” I call to his firm backside, as he walks over the pool and jumps into the deep end, making a big splash and setting the kids to screaming and laughing. He comes up, flicking his wet hair to one side, finding my eyes and giving a wink. I tighten my thighs together at that to keep from squirming in my chair. My man is the hottest guy in this paradise of hot men. If I don’t reign in my thoughts, I’ll need to change these bikini bottoms!

“Did you decide on colors for the wedding yet.” I try to distract myself by turning to Mad’s favorite topic lately. Luce finally popped the question, so Madison is knee-deep in planning.

“Noooo! I can’t decide. Bernie sent me more amazing swatches from China.” Madison’s buyer travels the world searching out the best fabrics for her designs. “I have them in Liam’s bag. Maybe we can get the girls together later and look at these silks.”

She looks over where Morgan and Luce are manning the grill, and her eyes soften. “He’s been amazing at coordinating all of Liam’s doctor visits and play dates. I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to handle the baby and the boutiques, but he’s done almost everything. I want him to be able to just show up at the wedding.”

I smile when I think of her advice to me, when I had the same task with no family to pitch in. “Someone wise once told me to lean on my friends and delegate some responsibility.”

She chuckles. “Morgan’s been fantastic about helping. She would take over everything if I let her. She’s the one who needs to delegate!”

I see Morgan handing Luce a freshly uncapped beer. I love their friendship. I love it even more when Madison and Morgan tell stories of how they tried to disprove his brag that he can always tell them apart. I know I can’t unless they give themselves away in conversation.

I watch as Riain accepts the Frisbee he'd been throwing from between Rusty's careful teeth. We had returned to the cabin this past winter, and Rusty had mourned our departure so hard, Sharon had called to ask if we'd consider taking him. He is aging, but he still has some play left in him. He loves the girls. He swims with them, brings back every ball they throw, and I saw him with hair barrettes in his fur yesterday. He snuffles Jamie's hair and never steps a foot on his tummy time blanket.

Riain gives Morgan’s ass a little pinch on his way to join James in the pool and I laugh at her excellent aim with a beach ball that beans him between his shoulder blades. Those two need to set a date soon. Morgan’s been sporting a flashy diamond whenever she isn’t on the boat for months now. I hinted at a double wedding with her twin, but she’s resolute about giving Madison her time to shine.

Cami and Tom are at the kids picnic table with Serena, probably talking shop. Cami and Tom’s bakery and bookshop combo has so many community events on the calendar, I can barely keep track. He looks up and a soft smile creases his normally somber face, and I know without looking Angela and Kaylee have arrived.

That has been a joy to watch! I’ve never seen a man court a woman the way he has Ang. He’s had to take the slow and steady route, but he doesn’t seem at all discouraged.

Angela has really come out of her shell since Kaiden conned his man, Alvarez, into starting a self-defense class last year at the high school gym. I was excited to learn with her but had to put a pause on that when I found out Jamie was on the way. I’m looking forward to going back next week when classes start up again.

Kaylee immediately joins Tom’s son, Coby, on the steps of the pool. He’s as far from the splash-zone as he can get and still be in the water. Kaylee leans down and holds out a small plastic boat. He takes it from her hand, careful not to touch her palm with his fingers, and I see his mouth move. Both actions are major milestones for him, and I look over to see if Tom’s noticed. His hand is over his mouth, and Angela squeezes his shoulder when she comes over. They’re trying not to make a big deal of it.

“Mommy.” I feel my heart swell. Those are still the sweetest words ever. Well, second sweetest. James still makes me melt with his “I love you”s.


Emilie giggles. “I’m not a bug!”

“Well, you’re little, and cute, and your red suit looks like a ladybug.”

“Okay. I can be a ladybug today.” She sits on the edge of my chair, her hair dripping on my legs. It feels good, and I think I might jump in and cool off.

“Just today?” I ask her.

“Just today.”

“Okie doke.” I pull a towel from the stack on the table beside me and wrap it around her shoulders.

“Becca is hungry.”

“Becca?” I tip her chin up with a finger, so she looks at me.