He looks.

“She could have died,” I’m having difficulty keeping my voice regulated and it’s rising in volume.

“You almost killed her. She is kind. And loyal. And gives you all the credit for her being on this earth. And you almost killed her.”

I see my words registering. His mouth bobs open and closed. He sinks down to his knees on the rug, holding the helmet like a baby. Tears are pouring down his face.

Then we hear the sirens. I jerk my head to tell Luce to let them in.

Brayden looks up at me, snot running down to his lip. “You called them? You want to lock me up?” His eyes widen. “You want to lock me up!” He’s on his feet and charging faster than I’ve ever seen anyone move.

But I’m faster. I plant my fist in his face, follow that with a punch to his solar plexus, and he drops to the floor right as Trevor’s team walks up behind me.

Chapter 37

~~ Lorelai ~~

Emilie is sitting at the "Castle Table” spooning small bites from the cup of double chocolate ice cream Trevor brought, and Becca is next to her with her cup of vanilla. They’re kicking their little legs and chatting between themselves like the house isn’t still filled with police.

I’d made coffee and Cami had dropped off a tray of croissants filled with prosciutto and muenster and glazed with hot honey. The men, and one very tough-looking lady, had smiled gratefully and helped themselves after a nod from Trevor.

My brother was seated on the couch with his head down, his hands still cuffed. I’d crossed my fingers and made arrangements with Briarbay Hideaway weeks ago when Bray first showed up. I’d only had to let them know we’d be on our way, and they had a room being prepped for him now. It was less than an hour away, so it would be easy to visit on Family Day.

James, Trevor, and Lucius are standing to the side talking, cradling their coffee cups. James hasn’t changed out of his wet gear even though he’d grabbed some dry sweats for Lucius. The blanket I’d draped over his shoulders is tucked under his arms, his wetsuit showing every indentation of his abs, and I don’t dare look lower right now.

But I can’t help myself. My gaze drops, and damn. I’m instantly wet. My breathing shallows. When I force my eyes to move back up, James is looking straight at me. I see the moment he recognizes the desire in my eyes. His mouth opens on an exhale, and his tongue flicks out to moisten his lips. I groan in my mind. It’s been so long since he moved inside of me.

He looks away, then excuses himself from his conversation and heads toward the stairs. I watch him move through the group of officers, shaking a hand, patting a shoulder, laughing at a joke. His tread on the steps is slower than usual, and I see the exhaustion in the way he carries himself.

When I look back Trevor is watching me. He ventures over to where I stand. “Tough night.”

“Yeah. Do you think you could entertain the masses while I give the girls a quick bath? I can take that off James’s plate, and two is as good as one. Becca has some nighties here. Then I can head out with your officer.” Trevor had already said he’d have someone drive us to the facility.

“I’m sure James will appreciate that, and if you can handle Becca, too, that’d be fantastic. Save me a little time later.”

“It isn't a problem at all.” I look over at the girls who are both licking their bowls like cats, and I smile. “They are amazing together.”

He follows my glance, and I hear him chuckle. “Glad it’s you and not me with that sticky mess! I feel for James’s chairs!”

“I put heavy duty plastic wrap over the seats under their boosters. The chairs will be fine.”

“Oh, great idea! I’ll have to remember that trick!”

I shrug. “Works better than towels that can soak through.”

“I imagine. I’ll get them down and send them your way.”

With that, I climb the stairs. I start the water in the middle bathroom and grab some bed clothes for the girls. We make short work of washing up and combing wet hair. I’m hanging up the towels when Emilie asks, “Is the bad man going to jail, Mizzz Mills?”

"He isn’t really a bad man, Em. He’s a man who is angry and made bad choices. He’s going to a place where they can help him want to make better decisions.”

“Like time out.” Becca says.

“Just like time out.”

“Like when I punched Jonathan? It was a bad 'cision, but it didn’t mean I’m a bad girl.” Emilie scrunches her nose, and I can’t help but boop it with my finger.

“Just like that. You girls are so very smart to think about things that aren’t always obvious.”