“She’s a tough old bird.” I let a laugh slip. “Think she’ll let you take a few days?”

Lorelai shakes her head, “She needs me to be there. Her husband is debilitative and at home with a nurse. Mrs. Corbyn’s been taking more and more time away from the school.”

“Oh, I hadn’t heard about Mr. Corbyn. They keep to themselves a lot. I’ll ask Cami to let The Roses know.” I pull out my phone and send out a text before it slips my mind.

“What’s the roses?” Lorelai sniffs. At least her tears have stopped falling. I lean over and wipe away a stray drop with my thumb.

“A local ladies group. They do a lot of community planning and volunteering. They should be able to find someone to help the Corbyns out.”

“Oh, that would be great. She's a bit touchy about it, though.”

"They'll be gracious." My phone chimes, and I read Cami’s text aloud. “On it, she says.”

“I can drop you off at work in the morning if you’re sure you have to go. Then after work we can see about getting you some transportation.”

Lorelai blows out a harsh breath.

“I know it’s a lot, but you have a whole community around you now.”

That starts fresh tears, but she quickly staunches them.

“Let me show you the guest rooms, and you can choose.”

“Rooms?” Lorelai’s eyes get bigger and her auburn eyebrows shoot up.

“Well, one is more of a princess playroom. But the other two are nice. They have their own bathrooms.”

She looks around again. “How did you... How do you...” Her nose scrunches up.

“How do I afford this on a search & rescue salary?” I fill in the blanks.

“I’m sorry. That’s such a rude, presumptuous question.”

“It isn’t the first time I’ve been asked.” I try to use a reassuring tone. “It isn’t really a secret. I made a few lucky investments early in my Army career. I was deployed so often, I didn’t even keep a home base. I had almost zero living expenses until I got out and moved back home. It was easy to invest and save money. When Emilie’s mother passed away, I still had life insurance coverage. I built this place with that money.”

“You didn’t have to explain.” She’s flushed with embarrassment.

“We’ve shared a lot of personal things with each other. I want you to know,” I tell her. “The Team is a way for me to stay busy and give back to the community who helped raise me.

“Let me show you those rooms.”

I get Lorelai settled then make a call to Trev. “You up, man?” I say, closing the door to my room behind me.

Chapter 35

~~ Lorelai ~~

Last week James had talked me into spending a little more than expected on a used import 6 speed that made my heart race with happiness when I shifted through the gears. Not that I was hard to convince. I fell in love with the curves of the sports model and the way the engine jumped at my command.

Trevor has officers stationed outside the preschool, and they usually give me a small salute once I close up and I’m passing them on the way out. It makes me feel safe, even though I'm careful to pull out onto the road slowly and not squeal the tires like I want to do. James also clips pepper spray onto my new keychain. I stare at it occasionally when the keys are lying on my desk, wondering if I’d be able to use it on my own brother.

Emilie discovers I'm staying at her house and begs to come home. She and Becca spend Wednesday night piled on top of me and each other while I read stories after dinner. I grin at James when he hovers at the doorframe. He seems nervous about my reaction to their enthusiasm. But I love the giggles, the press of their warm little bodies, and the crazy turns their conversations take.

We settle into a routine I love. James makes breakfast while I put together Emilie’s lunch for the day and we rush out the door. He insists on still driving Emilie to preschool when I offer, so I can prepare for my day in the morning and wind down on the drive back. After work we make dinner together, or pick up takeout, and eat together at the “Castle Table” as Emilie calls the formal dining table because the chairs have arms “like thrones” and she calls me the “queen”. It isn’t until after James and I each read a book and Emilie is tucked in for the night that things are at all... Tense? We dance around each other, giving long looks, but neither of us making any moves.

James teaches me to shoot pool. He demonstrates, then helps me line up a shot. The warmth of his arms around me makes my head spin, and none of those shots hit their mark. I wonder if he thinks I’m missing on purpose. I go to bed alone with wet panties, feverishly trying to take that edge off on my own.

I watch his muscles move as we swim in the heated water of the pool, sip our beers, and talk about our days. Then we rush back into the house with towels draped around us to ward off the cold spring winds. I don't miss the heated looks he gives me in the two piece suit I bought.