James gets a quick squeeze, too. “You two get out of this crush and go sit in that corner snug with Cami.” She spins me in the right direction, and I see Madison wave an arm. I step that way and feel James’s hand at my back, warm and steady, guiding me through the crowd.

I’m introduced to Cami’s husband, Kaiden, whose green eyes seem to see right through me and name me the imposter I am. His relaxed pose with one arm on the back of the booth and one hand holding Cami’s does nothing to eliminate the scream in my head that he is a powerful predator.

Madison’s boyfriend, Lucius, I’d met before. He is immediately likeable with his flashing grin and dark sense of humor. He shakes his curls out of his face and greets me with a quick hug. He has a good-hearted smirk and a hand clasp for James. "Pretty Lai. Boss man”.

‘Til now, I’d only seen Angela at a distance, picking up her daughter Kaylee, but she gives me a wary smile and shifts farther toward the center of the booth, making way for James and me to slide in. The gentleman sitting next to her in the sweater vest runs the bookstore that’s merging with Cami’s bakery. Tom, I think. Or Tim. He nods and sends me a gentle smile.

Soon, Morgan joins us with her lipstick only a tiny bit smudged and a gleam in her eyes that bodes well for her fiancé later. Serena hurries in a moment later with her thick glasses perched a little crooked on her nose, and her dark bob a little disheveled. James retrieves an unused chair from a nearby table and places it at the side of the table for her. Then a dark-haired man with deep blue eyes comes in and pulls up a chair beside Serena, who blushes when she looks sideways at him. He’s introduced as Cami’s brother, Jacob, and I can see the similarities.

The group resumes their prior discussion of whether building a park in the downtown square is viable. The arguments for and against are given confidently, as if the speakers are accustomed to being heard and respected. I don’t have any input, but I enjoy the vibe while I deliberate over which entree I want to try.

Kaiden stops midsentence to lean over the table and pick up my hand. “Are these fingerprints, Lai?” His voice is gritty. He turns my hand so he can inspect the redness that is turning into bruises surrounding my wrist. He pierces James with a sharp look.

Acting on instinct, I snatch my hand back, moving it to my lap. I’d forgotten to keep it under the table. For a second, I panic, bracing for a punishment. James reaches into my lap and tucks his hand over mine, his thumb rubbing little circles against mine.

All conversation has stopped around the table, and I realize no one is looking at me. They are all looking to James. They don’t really think he would... “No.” I whisper. “It wasn’t James. I had an argument with... With someone, and they grabbed me.” I take a harsh breath. “James... James helped me.”

I see relieved looks around the table. Angela’s expression holds that certain blend of empathy and anger that belongs to someone who knows that brand of abuse. I notice she’s letting out a breath she’d been holding. Her eyes find mine and I know I’m right. My eyes search hers to learn whether she’s safe now, and her smile is brighter this time. We share an immense connection in that look, and I know we’re going to be friends.

Kaiden is still staring at James. He seems to be waiting for something, some reaction or answer to an unasked question. James gives an almost imperceptible shake of his head. I wouldn’t have seen it if I wasn’t hyperaware of every move he makes. Kaiden must have seen it, too. “Come to me if you need help, Lai,” he directs. Out of the corner of my eye, I see James scowl at him.

Kaiden gives a slight shrug and continues the conversation with a comment on the type of traffic a children’s park would bring to the primarily business district.

Riain arrives to slide a tray of water glasses onto the table. He squeezes past Serena and plants a kiss on Morgan’s upturned mouth. She pinches his very fine ass as he takes orders. I can’t decide if the open affection makes me uncomfortable or relieved that there are no mysteries on who is with who. These couples demonstrate their love out loud and in public, and I’ve never experienced that.

I try and follow the conversation until our food arrives, then my focus is on the delicate mouth-sized rolls that melt on my tongue. There are pretzel bites served alongside warm cheese dip filled with bits of crispy corned beef. I order a dish called a Coddle, which has chunks of sausage and potatoes and thick bits of bacon resting in a shallow bowl of gravy-like broth.

This town loves their food! I don’t think I’ll ever get used to having so many delicious options at my fingertips.

The full-of-charm Kailu appears to top off drinks with his dramatic flair, and I ask for a take-away box, knowing I won’t be able to finish. He clears plates and brings my box, making eyes at me and lingering ‘til James growls, “Get back to work, Kailu.” The teenager takes it in stride and exits with a tip of an imaginary hat.

Morgan seems particularly amused at the encounter and talks about the different candidates Riain had interviewed for his position. Apparently Kailu worked some kind of magic when he met Riain’s parents, and they insisted on having him in the pub.

“He’s delightful,” I say, and Morgan giggles and agrees.

James gives a huff. “He’s twelve.”

Lucius laughs straight out, “But aren’t we ALL still twelve?”

Madison chimes in, “I think he’s adorable.” Luce loses his smile at that, which makes James laugh at him.

Mrs. Kelley approaches the table with a huge cake on a pedestal and Kailu follows with small plates and extra forks.

Morgan squeals. “Ma, is this the Guiness Chocolate? A whole cake!!” She claps her hands.

Mrs. Kelley reaches in to pat her on the shoulder. “Share with your friends now!” she says with a stern edge in her voice before walking away.

Madison looks over at me shaking her head. “It’s always been chocolate cake for her. That’s her kryptonite!”

“Cut it already,” Cami chimes in. “I still can’t con that recipe from Mrs. Kelley! I’ve tried duplicating it, and it just never turns out the same.”

Lucius takes on the cutting and serving and places a plate in front of me I’m certain I can’t eat. Once I take a bite, though, I would’ve fought anyone trying to take it. I swear I let a moan of pleasure slip out when I lick some extra frosting from my fork.

Morgan looks over at me with a grin. “Amazing, huh?”

I smile back at her and nod, already shoveling the next forkful into my mouth.

The conversation winds down, and everyone stands and heads out. James tucks me into his truck, again reaching for my buckle and securing it himself. Kaiden walks over before James can get to the driver’s door. I probably shouldn’t be listening, but I hear James say, “Trevor’s on it,” and Kaiden replies with, “Get it handled or I will. Cami loves her.”