I start backing away. There’s nowhere to go. All I have are words to try to calm him.

“Bray, I—”

“No,” he interrupts. “We’re going to the ATM now.” He straightens, grabs my wrist, and pulls me toward the door.

I try to pull away, but I can’t. He turns the revolving door, stepping in and trying to pull me with him. I plant my feet and pull back, desperate to free myself.

There’s a flurry of movement outside, and I look up to see James striding up the sidewalk from where he’s parked his truck at the curb.

The heavy door continues its rotation in slow motion.

James sees me struggling, and his eyes find mine through the glass. His mouth opens in a cry I can’t hear.

I shake my arm, trying to get loose.

Bray sees James advancing and scrambles to stop the door from turning.

James lunges into the outer compartment as the opening narrows.

The door keeps turning.

Bray doesn’t let go of my arm.

I grab the edge of the door with my other hand, and the automatic braking system stills the movement. Bray is jarred to one side, his fingers slipping from around my wrist.

The sudden release sends me flying backward, sliding on the slick marble.

The door moves forward again with James’s push, and Bray tumbles out into the street. He gives me a long look as James reaches my side and then disappears.

“Are you hurt?” James asks, lifting my arm for inspection.

My wrist is red and there will probably be bruising soon, but I flex it, and it doesn’t hurt. “I’m okay,” I tell him between breaths.

James retrieves my bag from the floor where it had fallen when Brayden grabbed me. He holds it out to me, and I slide it back over my shoulder.

I’m shaking, but I take a deep inhale and head toward the doors

“Lorelai.” James’s deep rumble stops me. I turn to face him and the fear still showing on his face almost sends me to my knees. He was terrified for me. For me!

“I’m okay.” I smooth a hand over his chest, and I feel his heart still racing. “Really, James. I’m okay. Let’s go to dinner. Everyone is waiting for us.”

I see Stella peeking around the corner. “Stella, it’s ok.,” I call out. “He won’t be back tonight. I’ll handle it.”

James picks up on my cue. “I’ll fill Trevor in, Ms. Stella. Go ahead and lock up.”

Chapter 32

~~ James ~~

I tighten my hands on the steering wheel, wondering how this slip of a girl had maneuvered me into driving to dinner instead of placing a call and waiting for an officer to show up.

I allow several minutes of silence to pass, hoping she’ll give an explanation.

She doesn’t.

She’s looking out the window on her side as if there’s something interesting about the passing streets.

We’re almost at the docks, and I can’t take it anymore. “We need to talk about this, Lorelai.”