I pick up the phone and open the text app.

There’s a message in the group chat from Cami reminding us we’re meeting at Kelley’s tonight. I was so excited the group chose the pub. I haven’t been back since that first night in town, and I’ve been wanting to try more of the menu items with their drool-worthy descriptions.

Another text is from Madison asking what I’m wearing tonight, which makes me laugh. Coming from anyone else, I’d think she was nervous and asking for advice on what she should wear. But from Mads, I know she’s ready and able to give fashion advice at any moment. She legit wants to know what I pick out so she can tell me yes or no.

The phone chimes and vibrates in my hands, and I almost drop it. It’s a new message from James.

“Picking you up for dinner. Should be there by 5, if no calls come in. Should I come up? Do you need help with your hair?”

I remember the feel of his hands smoothing through my hair that day in the cabin when I couldn’t manage to comb through the tangles myself. Yes, I want him to come up. Yes, I want help with my hair. Yes, I want to feel his hands on my skin.

I scroll up and read his earlier texts.

7:59 am - “I hope you rest awhile, but I asked Ms. Stella to leave you something for brunch outside your door so you don’t have to go out.”

I open the door and see a covered tray resting on the floor. It hurts to bend down and lift it, but I imagine how much worse it would be without the pain meds from James’s thankfully-married doctor. I put the tray on the table and lift the cover. Croissants and cold cuts, some sliced fruit, a carton of juice, and what looks suspiciously like a chocolate turnover with a cloudy blue parchment folded around it. Bless Stella for knowing what to leave for me.

10:07 am - “I can’t stop seeing that jacket shredded to pieces knowing it could have been your skin.”

10:43 am - “Just wanted to say I wish I heard the rest of your cute convo with Emilie. She asked if you were ok or had any booboos to kiss.”

I pop a piece of melon into my mouth and type out a reply. ”Plan is to shower and change while the meds are still working. Thank you for bringing me home and plotting this scrumptious breakfast. Still working out the kinks, but I’ll let you know later if I need your assistance.” I add a winking emoji so he’ll see the bit of flirting in that last sentence.

On a whim, I snap a photo of the tray and send it before I chicken out. Surely he doesn’t care to see the food that was the result of his thoughtfulness.

But the phone immediately chimes again. “Is that a Cloud Nine pastry I spy? Lucky lady!”

“It IS.” I type back. “Cami is a goddess in the kitchen! I do feel lucky.”

I smear some of the softened butter on a split croissant and turn it into a sandwich with some ham, salami, and swiss cheese. I halve a few of the olives and throw those on, too. My stomach is telling me it’s been a long time since that one slice of toast last night, and I know I need to eat something with those meds.

I manage to shovel down the sandwich, shower, and comb out my hair before I start to feel sore enough to slow me down.

My phone chimes, and I see it’s Morgan in the group chat. “@Lai. You ok? James told me you wrecked on your bike. What do you need?”

There’s a mad rush of reactions from all the ladies, and I sit naked on the edge of the bed to type out a reassurance. “The bike is toast, but I’m ok. I’ll see you all at dinner.” I pause, then add, “@Madison, I’ll send you a pic of my outfit to thumbs down later.” She returns with a laughing emoji.

Another chime comes in.

“Managing ok?” From James.

“Got a shower but tell Emilie booboo kissing is very needed!” I’m enjoying these mini connections with James so much, even through the misery of what feels like an all-over body bruise.

I put on some lingerie, but that’s as far as I get when the exhaustion hits. I lower myself gingerly back down onto the bed and let my lids close.

When I wake again, I take another pain pill and stay in bed until I feel the ache start to ease. I mentally go through my still-meager wardrobe hunting for something soft and easy to move in. I’ve always been a tee shirt kind of gal but being friends with Madison has made me look at clothing in a different light.

Once I’m able to pull myself back out of bed, I snap pics of a couple of tops I could wear with the swingy black slacks Mads made for me and send them to her. She’s quick to text back. “The baby blue one but pull one shoulder down.”

I tip my head, staring at the sweater on the hanger. I pull on the v-shaped neckline. Sure enough. There’s room for it to drape over. I wouldn’t have thought to do that.

“I know you have that scarf I gave you stuffed somewhere on your closet shelf. Tie that around like a belt and let the ends hang on the side with the covered shoulder. And under no circumstances do you wear your moto boots. NONE!”

I envision the placement. “But that will call attention to where that side rides up.”

“Exactly!” she sends back. “You’re welcome.”

My first response is a great big NO. I’ve always tried to make myself as invisible as possible. But I’ve been watching these ladies live their lives to the fullest, and I want to learn how to do that. There’s also a good chance James will notice, and that’s all I need to accomplish tonight. Anything else can wait a day.