“I probably shouldn’t mention there was a file dropped onto my desk a while ago. Might be time to look at it.”

There’s a brief pause before he sighs. “Get with me if there’s anything in there we need to know.”

It’s a sensitive topic for Trev. He knows Kaiden wants the best for the community, but he also doesn’t like the gray area that is sometimes there. Like last year when Angela’s ex showed up and took off with little Kaylee. That situation dissolved suddenly as if there hadn’t even been an issue, and no one knows where the ex went. Not that anyone really cares, but that loose end makes Trev uncomfortable.

“Will do. How are the girls?”

“Breakfast Tea Party for the stuffed animals,” he laughs. “It’s great when Em’s here and I don’t have to try not to break any more cups.”

I laugh, too, at the memory of coming in with Emilie to see Trev more squatting over than sitting in a tiny pink chair wearing a tiara and a tutu while Becca cried her eyes out over a broken teacup handle. He’d glued it back together when Em and I arrived, of course, but he’s never lived it down.

I get a ping on my phone, and it feels like tiny hands squeeze my heart when I see the photo he just snapped. The girls are still in their pajamas, but there’s at least five shiny plastic necklaces on each tiny neck, and they’re laughing to each other. Joy shows in their twin-like little faces.

I know my voice is rough when I thank him, but I’m not embarrassed at the obvious emotion. I know he feels the same gratitude that we have Becca and each other in our lives.

I log off the call and rush to get a shower and dress for work. I’m not too far behind Stephen as he enters the code on the alarm system and opens up the office.

I pull the folder out of my drawer and hesitate. Should I dig into the secret life of Lorelai Mills, or should I ask her myself?

She wouldn’t want me to pry into her life. I’m very sure of that.

But she needs help, and how can I help if I don’t know what she needs protection from? I open the file and start reading.

I look up from the file a few hours later to find Kaiden leaning against my door frame.

“I heard about the accident. What do you want to do about it?” He heaves himself off the frame, pushes the door closed, and pulls up a chair.

Chapter 31

~~ Lorelai ~~

I try to roll over to escape the sun pouring in my window.

Ugh! Every part of me hurts.

I end up just turning my head away.

I blink until my vision is no longer blurry, and I see the bottle of pain pills on my bedside table with a bottle of water. A small smile curls my lips, knowing James left them for me there on purpose. I hadn’t heard him get up and leave, so he must’ve been pretty quiet.

After a few minutes, the need for a pill outweighs the need to be still. I pull myself up to sit on the edge of the bed to reach them.

Flashes of the accident last night storm through my head.

And James.

His steady presence made me feel like I didn’t have to be strong for a change. It was amazing to be able to sink into his arms. He felt like... Like home.

It takes about 20 minutes before the pill does its job and I can move around without grimacing.

I need a plan. I have a bike to replace, and I need to figure out what to do about Bray. He’s gotten violent with me before, but that had been a slap, or a pull on my braid. I could handle those things. If it’s escalated to running me off the road, that’s a problem.

My phone chimes from the table. I see it’s plugged in, and I know I didn’t do that. Warmth flushes through me again as James’s consideration registers. He’s so... Good.

Then my brain wanders to the way he curled over me last night. His hands on my skin, soothing me when I shifted off my bruised elbow. He's so... Comfortable.

Then my mind goes to the way he made me come on his fingers just to show me to keep my standards high, then walking away without his own needs met. He's so... Sexy as hell!

He says we can’t be together, but he keeps coming back, keeps giving me more. I want more. I want it all, but I certainly can’t have it if I don’t sort out my brother.