“Lai! Come on!”

He reaches for me, but I step to the side and slip onto the bike. The Yamaha starts up as quickly as it has every time. I’m in gear and twisting the accelerator just as Brayden reaches out to grab my arm.

I look back and see him running for his car. I take the road out of town, checking over my shoulder every few minutes. He’s following me. What the hell! I had just wanted to escape the situation. I didn’t expect him to chase me down.

A few streets later, I buckle my helmet at a red light, and he slams to a stop beside me. “Get off the bike, Lai!” He screams over the bike engine. I shake my head. “Get off, Lai. Or I’ll make you!” My hands are shaking. I think he might actually get out of the car in the middle of the road.

The light turns green, and the Yamaha leaps ahead with a touch. I take a quick right, thinking he won’t be able to make the turn from the other lane. His tires screeching, he manages to fling the car around the corner. I give the bike more gas.

Where can I go? I’m on the opposite side of town from the sheriff's station and the hospital. Would he really try to force me into the car?

The road I took happens to be the winding road up to the cliffs, and I know there are some tight turns coming up. I slow down at the first switchback, and I hear him coming up behind me.

I move all the way to the right, and I see the Nissan pulling up fast. Too fast. Too close. He swerves toward me, and I give the bike more gas. But it’s too late. The side mirror on the passenger side of the car slams my elbow forward, and the front bike wheel turns straight into the cliff side. I feel my body flying as the rear wheel of the bike comes up off the road. I’m weightless for a long second. I expect to hit the rocks, but instead my back hits hard on the edge of the road, the leather of my jacket sliding me several feet through the loose gravel.

I lie still for several minutes trying get back the air that was knocked out with the impact. I hear the car stop, the door screech open, and footsteps coming toward me. But then they back away, the door slams shut, and he races away. All I can do for a few more minutes is breathe. In and out. In and out.

I test out my limbs and they feel unbroken, and I push carefully to a sitting position. When everything seems fine, I pull off my helmet and stagger to my feet. I’m probably going to be sore tomorrow, but I think I’m ok.

The bike, though. The bike is destroyed. I’m surveying the heap of twisted metal wondering who to call. The low rumble I had ignored turns into a truck coming around the bend. That must’ve been what chased Bray away. The driver pulls over and gets out, but the setting sun is shining right into my face and I can’t see who it is.

“Lorelai?” I recognize James’s voice. He runs to me, circling me, lifting my arms, running his hand over my stomach, pressing with searching fingers, inspecting me for injuries. I’m so relieved to not be alone, I launch myself at him, and sobs erupt from my body without permission. He catches me and holds me against his chest, one arm under my ass and one rubbing my back like I’m a kid.

“I got you, Chipmunk. I got you.” The nickname makes me sob even harder.

In the month and a half since our meeting at the Thai restaurant, we’ve seen each other a handful of times. Down the table at the group dinner, picking up Emilie, once on a Saturday passing each other at the bakery. We were polite, friendly even. But I felt the weight of the intimacy between us, and I was left with a puddle between my legs each time.

He hasn’t pursued me.

I’ve been busy getting things set up to make the offer on the school, going over back up plans with the attorney, and inserting myself into life here.

I hadn’t known just how much I was missing him.

Until the pet name left his lips.

Now I want to hold on for dear life.

Chapter 28

~~ James ~~

I’m driving home with Emilie chattering away in the back bench seat of the truck about Kings and Double Kings, kicking her legs in her booster seat. We had gone out to the nursing home to see Naomi’s father, like we do, taking every other Friday in turns with Trev and Becca.

The two of them had played checkers while I talked to the nurses about what to expect next. He didn’t have an official diagnosis. He was just old and sad after losing Naomi’s mom a year back now.

When I rounded the curve, I saw the motorcycle first. It was twisted in on itself and I didn’t see how anyone could’ve survived that. Then I saw movement, and then the copper braid, and my heart stopped.

I hit the brakes and barely got the truck pulled over and in park before I was flying out of the door with Emilie yelling from the back seat.

Lorelai was standing, her helmet swinging at her fingertips by the strap. I circled her, looking for blood I didn’t find. I finally let out my breath with relief when she choked on tears and jumped into my arms. This magnificent tiny warrior who’d survived an ungodly childhood and managed to come out on the other side with kindness and softness and a fine sense of humor, was hysterical on my shoulder. My heart broke for her, and all I could do was offer her the momentary shelter of my arms.

I stood for several minutes rocking her back and forth exactly like I used to do with Emilie when she woke in the middle of the night calling for her mother. Feeling helpless and knowing all my strength couldn’t save her from the depth of her own sadness.

When Lorelai’s sobs finally calm to sniffles, I realize my arm is under her very firm ass. I remember exactly what that ass looks like from behind. I feel her breasts smashed to my chest and her warm breath on my neck. I can’t help but groan a little. I let her slide to the ground, knowing she had to feel my sudden erection on the way down.

It’s gone the second she hisses at my arm at her waist, and I’m spinning her, pushing the jacket off and her shirt up. There’s a welt on her back where her belt must’ve dug in. Otherwise her skin is unmarred. No road rash, no gravel embedded into her flesh.

“Are you hurt anywhere else, Chipmunk?” I ask.