It’s a Director position, but it includes teaching a morning class three days a week. Mrs. Corbyn also seems very tight on the reins. It’s a step in the direction I want to go. And an income, which feels better to me than using more of Grandmother’s money.

“Yes, ma’am. That sounds great. I’ll see you then.” I disconnect the call, already rolling my eyes.

I need to shop, I decide. I’d only bought the one outfit I’d interviewed in. Mrs. Corbyn would probably have me escorted off property if I showed up in jeans and motorcycle boots. I saw a boutique across the square I wanted to check out even though it looks a little fancier than what I need. Okay, maybe a lot fancier, but I'm super curious.

I finish the latte in a rush before it cools, get up, and cross to the grand stairs. For some reason, I prefer their shabby elegance over taking the elevator to the upper floor. Also, I need to work off those pastries some way.

Upstairs, I leave my tablet tucked in my pack, thrown up on the closet shelf. I haven’t unpacked at all, not that I have much. There is just the one lovely pantsuit hanging in the closet. I rub the silky fabric between my fingers as I head out. It’s nicer than anything I’ve ever owned, apart from the few dresses I’d left in my room at my grandmother’s estate. I’d accepted them, worn them, in the spirit they were given, but they weren’t me. Now I have the freedom and the finances to dress the way I want.

Chapter 20

~~ James ~~

I think I may be losing my mind a little.

This obsession over Lorelai is going too far.

I’m hallucinating her everywhere I go.

When I volunteer to make the supply run just to shake loose of the daydreams, I swear I see her copper braid on the back of a woman striding into the sports chain across from the office supply store.

I go to the post office to buy stamps, and I think I see her disappear around a corner.

I meet Lucius at Sam’s on a Saturday to grab a drink, and I think I spot her walking into Madison’s boutique as I drive by.

I take Emilie and Becca for ice cream and I see a Lorelai-lookalike walking into the Bliss B&B.

When I pick the girls up from their school on a Wednesday, I see her crossing the hall into the infant room out of the corner of my eye.

I’m definitely going crazy.

Chapter 21

~~ Lorelai ~~

I’m standing at the door of Cloud Nine Bakery. I’m not sure I want to go in. It feels a little wrong somehow.

I had determined on the bus ride to Bearberry Bay that I would not make an effort to remember the identifying information of the people James had talked about. I wanted to experience the town, meet people on my own time in an organic way, make friends on my own merit.

But this bakery and the young lady who had softened the heart of James’s boss stood out to me. Kaiden was born into wealth, already had a ruthless business reputation at 30, and was close to being straight-out feared by the community. And she melted him.

I rationalize to myself. I do want to meet her, but I also want to see the birthplace of the added five pounds I’m carrying around my waistline. The pastries I’ve had have been delightful. Besides, she may not even be at the shop on a Saturday afternoon. The displays in the windows are pulling me in regardless. If I wasn’t so nervous, I’d be salivating.

I push the door with a gentle move, but delicate chimes tinkle over my head. So much for slipping in unannounced. A whole table of ladies turn to look at me, and I want to sink into the floor, run into the shadows, or just turn and leave.

“No!” I tell myself in my head. “This is your new town, and you can belong here. Besides, you changed tops four times for this.” I square my shoulders and force a smile. “Hi,” I say, trying to be cheery while holding my breath.

A chorus of “hello”s and “hi”s resounds, and they are all wearing smiles. Real smiles, turning my false one genuine. And I can breathe again. Oh, and it is wonderful. I’m surrounded by yeasty bread scents and cinnamon and cloves and nutmeg and toasted sugar. I think this must be the way heaven smells.

I venture to the counter, peering into another display holding more pastries than I can name. They all have cute little cloud-shaped cards with fancy titles I can’t pronounce.

The dark-haired lady who stood when I neared the counter must be Cami. There’s a tiny smudge of flour on her jawline and on her sleeve. She gives the vibe of being tiny but I think it must be that her movements seem light and feathery, because she’s taller than I am. That’s normal for me. It seems everyone is taller.

“Welcome to town,” she says. "I wondered when you’d make your way here.”

My surprise must’ve shown on my face. “Oh, Stella and Marigold said they had someone our age staying. Don’t tell them I tattled?” Her voice had dropped to a whisper and her conspiratorial laugh slips under my skin to find the little girl inside me who desperately wanted a playmate and wraps warm hugs around her.

I can’t help but smile at her.