I frown. I can’t focus on his words. “What?”

His voice is strained. “I’m going to come,” he says. “Do you need a few more minutes or are you good? I want you with me.”

“Do I...” I shake my head while the words sink in. That question has never been presented to me. “I...” I take a couple of breaths. “I’m good.”

Two more hard thrusts and I feel his cock leap inside me then pulse over and over. My body answers with its own throbbing. I convulse around him, and my body dissolves into an explosion of too bright colors echoing in my head.

James collapses on top of me. I’m suffocating, but the weight of him is welcome even if I never breathe again. He pushes up onto his elbows, brushes errant wisps of hair from my face, and runs his finger over my cheeks. “Fuck, Lorelai. That was... Unexpected.” He pushes farther up on his hands, and I feel his not-quite softened cock slide out of me.

I feel empty. And cold. Already. He leans back over me and presses a kiss to my mouth, and a flush of warmth spreads over me again. “I’ll be right back, Chipmunk. Don’t move.” He pulls the blanket up to my shoulders and heads into the bathroom.

He’s only gone for a few seconds. I barely have time to wonder if he is satisfied. I mean I know he finished, but from his use of “unexpected,” maybe he wanted more from me. The survivor in me rears her head to tell me I’m being stupid, but it’s James’s warm body sliding under the blanket next to me that chases the thoughts away.

He slides one arm under my neck and pulls me half on top of him. “Thank you,” he whispers, and I’m startled.

“What for?”

“It’s been a long time since anyone saved me from a nightmare.” He nuzzles my hair with his face. “And it’s been even longer since one has ended so sweetly.” He rubs his hand along my arm, over my shoulder, down my side. “Will you sleep here?” he asks. “I know you’ve been making the loveseat your bed, but stay here with me tonight?”

I nod against his chest and burrow my face into his curls there. There’s no way I could make myself get up right now. My legs are still shaking and I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to walk properly. I’m pretty sure I won’t sleep after this either.

James’s hand slows on my skin until he’s still. His breathing levels out and I giggle at the slight snore that erupts. I know I should be used to it after the past few nights, but it still amuses me.

This experience is nothing like I’ve found to be the norm with men. I think of some of the quick tumbles I’ve had in the past. For me, sex has always felt transactional in some way. Men took what they needed and rarely cared about my satisfaction. I usually had to get myself off in the shower later, if I even bothered.

This felt like the scenes I almost always skipped in the coverless romance novels I used to retrieve from the dumpster behind the drugstore when I was a bored teenager. I scoffed at them, never once imagining it could be even a little real.

This I want to play on repeat in my head until I know every second by heart.

Chapter 12

~~ James ~~

I wake slowly, the blankets insulating me from the chill air touching my face. I need to get up and stoke the fire.

My fingers on one hand are tingly. I wiggle them a little and lift my arm. It doesn't move, and I turn my head to inspect, my eyes blurry, blinking. It isn’t quite light yet, but the human form next to me is unmistakable.

Lorelai’s lithe body is snuggled against my side, and the memory of my all-to-often mid-night nightmare is drowned out by flashes of her. Skin sliding across skin. Mouths pressed together, hungry. Surrounded by soft, wet, gripping heat. I’m hard as fuck just thinking about it.

I don’t want to wake her this early, but the need to touch her is driving through me like a sledgehammer. I shift so my front is pressed against her back, her ass in my crotch. Lorelai’s arm rests against her hip, and I slide my hand into the valley of her waist. I hadn’t thought I could get harder, but my cock jumps when she makes a sleepy sound.

I bury my face in the strands of hair escaping her braid. She smells of shampoo and... I inhale again. Vanilla. Vanilla and some other spice that teases me and makes me think of the last batch of cookies Morgan had brought in from the bakery for our Team to taste test.

Lorelai shifts and her ass rubs against my cock. I swear under my breath. My body grinds against hers without conscious thought. My hand slides around her to cup her breast. For such a slight little thing, she sure has plenty to hold. Her nipple is already hard when my fingers find it. I pinch just a little and roll the nub. Lorelai makes a throaty sound and pushes her ass more firmly against me. She’s awake now.

I release her and reach for the condom I’d dropped on the side table last night when I was fumbling with the strip of them. She grunts and her hand reaches back to find me. I love those little bursts of anger when I stop touching her. They send a thrill through me that is new and exciting.

I make short work of protecting us both and let her hand find mine to pull it back around her. She twines our fingers together and pushes my hand past her stomach, down to the small strip of soft curls, down farther.

I run a finger between her soft folds and find her already wet and ready. Fuck, this girl is unreal. I press a finger inside and her hips move into the pressure. Her hand still covers mine and she pushes me in harder.

My cock presses against her ass, and I push it between her cheeks. I hear Lorelai’s gasp and then she pulls my hand away and shifts back. Then my cock is between her legs, rubbing over the heat of her center. It’s so hot, so wet. I want to drown there.

Lorelai shifts again, a little sideways on the mattress, and the head of my cock slips just inside her channel. Damn, it’s like a lightning strike. Sparks tingle through my whole body, and I feel momentarily silly for the reaction. But then she arches, spearing herself farther onto my length.

Oh, that... That is amazing. My hands settle around her hips, but she doesn’t need my help. For a few minutes I let her set her own rhythm, flexing her hips up and back, up and back.

She makes that little noise I’m coming to realize is a bit of... Wanting more. “Oh, Chipmunk. Me, too.” I whisper. I throw a leg over her, coming up on my knees. I so very much want to pull her up with me, but I worry about her knee. Instead, I capture both her legs between mine and take over.