I glance over at my mom, her gaze filled with concern. “I do want that, Mom,” I admit, my voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. “I want to find the kind of love that Dad and you shared. But... it’s not that easy.”

Her expression softens, a sympathetic smile playing on her lips. “You sound like you just had your heart broken. What happened?”

I hesitate for a moment, contemplating whether to divulge the complexities of my feelings. But then, with a sigh, I decide to confide in her. “There is someone,” I begin, my voice trailing off as memories of Jessy flood my mind.

My mom’s eyes widen in surprise, a hint of concern flickering in her gaze. “What happened, sweetheart?” she inquires, her voice filled with compassion.

“Well, let’s just say that she doesn’t want to be with me.”

“How is that possible? You are Ethan Reid. Every woman wants to be with you.”

Her brows are furrowed in confusion.

“Well, not this one. She believes we are better off being just friends.’’

“I’m sorry to hear that, dear, but how do you feel about her? Do you love her?”

I take a deep breath, trying to weigh my answer before I answer.

“I do love her, Mom,” I admit, my voice laced with conviction. “More than I ever thought possible.”

A soft smile graces my mom’s lips as she gazes at me with unwavering support. “Then go after her, Ethan,” she urges, her voice filled with encouragement. “Fight for what you believe in. Make her see the reasons why you both belong together.”

“Thank you, Mom,” I murmur.

Mom’s phone beeps with an incoming message. She glances at her phone and picks it up from the kitchen counter.

“It’s Amy,” she says as she reads the message my sister sent. “She’s coming over with a friend for dinner. There is this new friend she met that she is always talking about. Maybe that’s the one she’s coming over with.”

A faint smile tugs at my lips. “Well, that’s Amy for you, always making new friends.”

An hour later, I’m helping Mom finish preparing dinner, and I’m caught by surprise as Amy enters the kitchen, her friend trailing behind her.

It takes me a moment to register who it is, but when I do, I can’t help but feel a surge of astonishment.

It’s Jessy.

I hadn’t expected to see her here, especially not as Amy’s friend. I had no idea they were close enough for Jessy to be joining us for dinner.

In fact, I had always assumed they simply hung out occasionally, not that they were close friends.

As Jessy meets my gaze, her eyes widen in surprise, mirroring my own astonishment. I offer her a small smile.

“Mom, meet my friend Jessy. Remember the girl I have been telling you about who works at the Grand Princeton?”

“Welcome, Jessy, it’s good to finally meet you. Amy has told me so much about you.”

I watch as Mom, ever the hugger, wraps her arms around Jessy.

“Thank you for having me, Mrs. Reid.”

“Oh, just call me Carol,” Mom says.

“I see dinner is ready,” Amy says. “We will go and freshen up and come down for dinner.’’

“Alright, dear.”

As Amy and Jessy leave the kitchen, Mom—ever perceptive, turns to me with a knowing look in her eyes, her voice gentle yet probing.